- c h a p t e r - f o r t y-f o u r -

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 She had left the boys outside the Whomping Willow–where they had claimed they would "keep watch" while she was inside.

Even as she walked through the tunnels of the Whomping Willow, she knew better.

They were just bored and would probably just end up chasing each other in the woods by the time she got back.

With her wand out in front of her–basking the hall in cool light–Violet hummed to herself all the way to the ladder. And she kept humming, laughing at herself when she was out of tune, as she walked up the dusty stairs of the Shrieking Shack–brushing away gross cobwebs from her jacket, hair, and bag.

Violet shivered at the thought of bugs on her, but she pushed it away as she lowered her wand and rummaged through her bag. She had made it to the door–not looking up as she knocked on the frame, "Remus! I brought your favourite chocolate bar like you asked!" She pushed open the door, entering, "And I–"

The room was dark–no candles were lit like they usually were.

"Moony?" She called again.

A low growl filled the air–making her hair stand on end.

Violet literally stopped breathing, What time was it?!

She glanced at her watch–the surface shimmering slightly from her wand, and her blood ran cold.

She was early.

Way too early.

Like almost forty minutes too early.


Lifting her gaze from her wrist–her eyes scanned the dim room, searching for the werewolf.

Sweat was already forming on her upper lip and hairline–anxiety and stress filling her as she tried to see through the shadows of the dark room.

If she wasn't careful–she could get hurt.

But Violet wasn't going to let that happen because she knew if she did get hurt, Remus would never forgive himself.

But that didn't stop her heart from racing in her ears like a herd of wild centaurs.

Ever so slowly–her hand went to her shoulder–her eyes still searching for Remus, and she pressed her fingers to the tattoo under her jumper.

Even though she was absolutely aware that they couldn't hear her, Violet mentally cried–Guys, help.

She was suddenly unbelievably happy that they were outside the tree and not asleep in the castle tonight. She wasn't sure they would make it to her if anything went sour if they would have been.

Violet's hand left her shoulder and went to the wand she had tucked in her bag.

"You're such an idiot..." She muttered to herself as she raised it, taking four small steps into the dim room–staying close to the door.

Turning in a full circle, Violet's enhanced eyes from being an Animagus still did not see Remus.

Where was he?!

Violet bit her lip, murmuring gently, "Lumos maxima."

She didn't need the light to tell her where Remus was when hot breath hit the back of her neck–blowing her red hair around her face.

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