- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-s i x -

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tw: anxiety attack

Her stomach was twisting viciously.

    Her vision was swirling. Her skin was hot. Her clothes were itchy. The sun was too bright coming in through the windows. The incense burning across the room was too fragrant.

    What was wrong with her?

    Violet was staring down at the Charms exam–the words swimming around her vision, and her hands were shaking.

    She didn't understand what was happening.

    She had been totally fine earlier in every other class and during every other exam, but when she remembered it was time for Charms after lunch–a lunch that she spent hiding in the library, the walls were suddenly closing in.

    Violet released a shaky breath, glancing at Lily–who was beside her–fervently writing down the answers in each section with her quill.

    She leaned over–glancing at the professor whose back was turned to their table, "Lil, is it hot in here?"

    It was a second before Lily looked at her, her green eyes confused, "What?"

    "Is it—"

    "Miss Hilton, Miss Evans, please no speaking," The professor called from the front–even though they were barely speaking above the volume of a breath.

    Everyone glanced at them–some of them glowers, some of them bewildered–before moving back to their exams.

    Lily blinked a couple times–glancing up at the professor–before carefully pulling out a slip of parchment from her notebook and writing out:

What is wrong?

    In response, Violet quietly scribbled:

Something is wrong...

    Lily's brows furrowed as she glanced at the front of the class again before continuing:

I don't understand.

What's wrong?

    Violet's breathing became uneven as she tried to explain but literally could not–her frustration growing deep within her gut:

I...I don't know.

But something is wrong.

Can you wait till after the exam?

I guess.

    Lily gave her what was supposed to be a warm and comforting grin before continuing her work.

    However, when Violet turned back to her work, everything she suddenly learned about Charms vanished from her mind, and it caused her panic to escalate till she felt like she was suffocating.

    Oh Merlin! What is this topic on? What are the motions for that?

    Tears stung her eyes as her senses became dull. Still, her breathing must've gotten intense because–she was vaguely aware of people looking at her around the room.

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