- c h a p t e r - f o r t y-f i v e -

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 She was going to tell him.

It was time to tell Howard about her feelings for him. Well, tell him what her feelings weren't for him.

But the closer she got to that moment–the sicker she felt.

She was more than ready to put to rest his weirdness when calling her his girlfriend when he hadn't even asked her in the first place. And just his weirdness in general ever since she had told him she was a witch.

Violet moved into the train compartment with the boys–sitting between Remus and James, her eyes heavy with fatigue.

Exams had been brutal that term.

But now, they were all going home for Christmas.

And this year, they stayed at Violet's–just like she and Remus had discussed.

She had been up late making sleeping arrangements for the boys and all the girls and planning dinner and other food preparations for the holidays.

But as one may have been able to decipher, Violet's mind wasn't on that.

It was on Howard meeting them at the station–which he had insisted on doing even though she had basically told him no at one point.

But he was going to be there, and by invitation he gave himself–he would be spending time with the group of Hogwarts students for the holidays.

As terrible as she felt about it–Violet was hoping her revelation would hinder him from attending.

James nudged her with his elbow, "Oy, what's up? You're as quiet as a mouse! And we all know that isn't normal."

She shrugged, leaning her head back on the wall, "I'm just tired."

She caught Sirius lifting a brow at her–giving her a knowing look as he did so.

To Violet's surprise, Sirius was the one to corner her after that night when Remus had chased her like a wolf with a rabbit. He had asked what had happened, and he was the one who connected the dots that she and Remus had admitted feelings and had kissed. And he was the one who had helped her work through what she would say to Howard when they arrived at the station.

But as they looked at one another–Violet felt her face flush as she avoided looking at Remus, whose leg was pressed against hers at the moment.

It was a subtle touch–but it made her heart flutter.

James smirked beside her and asked, "Is there anything you want to tell us, Fox?"

She snapped her dark eyes to him and frowned, "You know something I don't, Prongs?"

"I think I do. And it has to do with–"

She elbowed him–making him wince, "Don't even finish that sentence, you toe-rag."

Sirius chuckled across the compartment, "That was some real Lily Evans attitude right there..."

The name made James perk up.

"Speaking of which, I need to go see my girlfriend!" He exclaimed as he jumped off the bench and to his feet. He placed his hands on his hips, smiling euphorically, "It's so nice to be able to finally call her that."

"Yeah, actually, I need to go check on something...be back soon," Sirius quickly added–sending Violet a wink.

She sighed as she waved them off, "Have fun, you two."

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