- c h a p t e r - f o r t y-n i n e -

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Violet was walking through Diagon Alley–window shopping and distracting herself.

She was supposed to be packing at home–but she had received a letter from Dumbledore to be in Diagon Alley today.

She was given no reason why–just to be there.

So here she was.

She was currently looking at all the new kittens in the window of the pet emporium when a heavily accented voice growled, "What do you think you're doin'?"

Violet swung around–her wand drawn and pointed at whoever was behind her.

She was met with the sight of a tall man with coarse, short, greying hair and mismatched eyes. He was intimidating, that was for sure–Violet was convinced he had often picked a fight in his younger years.

"Put that 'way," The man waved a hand at her dismissively–his Scottish dialect saturating everything he said, "I'm here to pick you up for Dumbledore."

She stared at him harshly–not dropping her wand for a second.

At first, they just stared one another down before he grinned almost proudly, "Good, always being on the defensive is a good way to stay alive. Constant vigilance is important in our line of work. Now I just have to teach you how to do such without being so obvious." He glanced around at the other witches and wizards mulling around. He waved for her to step out of the street–and she carefully followed him, her wand still in her hands. He turned back to her–glancing once more down the alley and out the street, "Nice to finally meet the youngin' ol' Albus has been telling me about." He looked her up and down and nodded, "This shall be interesting."

"Who are you?" Violet finally demanded–her voice still suspicious.

The man just laughed and offered out a hand, "Alastor Moody–Auror for the Ministry of Magic and member of the Order–at your service, Miss Hilton."

The front door to Hilton House flew open just the evening after Lily and James' official engagement.

And with the door slamming into the wall came the Marauders and Lily carrying bags of junk food and drinks.

"ITS TIME TO GET HAMMMEEERRREEEEDDDDDD!!!" Sirius shouted–waving around his bottle of fire whisky.

"Ooonnnn apple juice!!!" Lily corrected. 

"Only you, Almost-Mrs. Potter."

But their brows furrowed when they realised how dark and quiet the house was–something absolutely not normal for Violet when she was home alone.

"She said she'd be here today..." James muttered–peering into the dark kitchen.

"What's that noise?" Remus asked quietly.

The group silenced, and all noticed the sound of music coming from the master suite.

It was Violet's parents' old room.

They all glanced at one another before pulling their wands from their pockets and moving as quietly as they could toward the bedroom.

"Alohomora..." Sirius muttered when they found the door locked.

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