- c l o s i n g - n o t e -

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i honestly dont even know what to say. this is so surreal writing this.

after almost four years of writing, editing, brainstorming, and wanting to just  sob through chapters – we have made it to the closing note.  

which means... 

about 1,676 pages,

about 274,197 words, 

too many hours on Pinterest looking for pictures, 

and too many google searches to find answers to my random questions about the wizarding world later...

FOX has finally reached the end. 

(well until i decide to tear it apart again and start a third draft – BUT WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW)


to everyone who made it through the first draft and have now reached the end of the second with me, thank you so much for being here and taking the time to read. and also being patient with me because this was such a long process to edit and revise and add and take away. 

but by being here and reading, you make my day  and i appreciate every single one of you!

so now that we are at a closing point, i would love to hear from you. 

share questions, thoughts, closing opinions, hot takes, icks – ALL THE THINGS! 

i try to respond to all of your comments and i will do the same if you comment here!

again thank you so much for taking this journey with me and violet! 

i hope you loved it as much i did!

and the story doesn't end here tho – you can read gemma's story in the rest of the hilton chronicles (book seven is on its way) and see her grow up as you have watched violet do the same!

well – whenever you read this, i wish you a good morning/afternoon/evening/goodnight! 

see you around!

~ gwenlee

fox - r.lupinWhere stories live. Discover now