- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-t w o -

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Oh Merlin. Oh by the stars.

Is this right? Did I do this right?

I did. I read the box like six times...

Oh my gosh! OH. MERLIN.


Violet's hand was pressed to her mouth as she stared down at the little item on the counter in the bathroom.

An excited sound slipped past her fingers as she closed her eyes and looked skyward.

This is real. Oh Merlin...

"Violet, dear, is everything alright?"

The door opened, and Mrs. Weasley stared at her with expectant eyes.

She didn't even have to look at the little plastic device on the counter before she pulled Violet into a hug, "Oh, congrats dear!"

Violet could only laugh in shock as she embraced the woman back.

Then she quickly pulled away and exclaimed, "I have errands!"

Mrs. Weasley's eyes glowed as she kissed the head of her own little, nearly four-month-old baby boy–Ronald–strapped to her chest and said, "Let's get moving then."

Violet and Mrs. Weasley had gotten everything the former needed–plus some extra things–before the latter needed to get home to her family.

Mrs. Weasley had sworn secrecy before she had left Violet to her own devices.

This meant Violet made about fifty calls and immediately covered herself in paint. The lovely Muggle couple across the street had been especially helpful with providing art supplies she had needed as they were art teachers at one of the schools in town.

Violet was so excited that she could barely contain her excitement as she hung up and rang various people.

This had to be special.

Just for her. Just for Remus.

This was going to change their world.

Their life.

So she would make it as momentous as she could.

Violet stared at her work, grinning–paint covering her hands and jeans from wiping the paintbrushes carelessly across fabric and skin. She was going to be especially cheesy in her plans–but the idea came from one of her favourite movies of all time, the moment being enormously hilarious and special for the couple in the movie. So why not do the same for her and Remus?

After doing a quick clean-up, she went to the bathroom–quickly rinsing her hands off before running to check the food for the night.

The pie crust was almost done chilling, and the food in the oven was still cooking–nearly perfectly done like Remus liked it.

In complete and incandescent happiness, Violet closed her eyes and did a small twirl around the kitchen, unable to physically contain her excitement.

And yet, she still had to wait.

Remus wouldn't be back for a few more hours–as it was only one of his first few days back meeting with the Order.

She had told him he didn't have to go yet–her husband was still in deep mourning, but he had claimed he needed to do something with himself. So he went to the Order meetings the last few days–while also looking for jobs in town.

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