- c h a p t e r - f o r t y-t w o -

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Days turned into weeks.

Weeks turned into months.

And finally, when Scotland was sunny, and the rain was scarce, James returned to Hogwarts.

The only reason why he returned to Hogwarts was because of exams.

And the second he stepped off the Express–everyone was waiting for him.

When Violet saw him for the first time, her heart sank to her toes.

To be quite frank, James looked awful. His normally fresh and messily stylish hair was limp and looked like it hadn't been washed in about a month. His glasses, which he usually kept as clean as possible–because dust and dirt in his vision drove him mad–were horrifically dirty. And he looked as if he had been punched–the bags under his eyes were so dark.

In other words, James Potter was not himself. And he wasn't himself all through the last week before the summer holiday. He also would not talk about his parents or participate in any end-of-the-year festivities.

It was an understatement to say that everyone was worried for his wellbeing.

But Violet refused to give up so easily on him–even when he pushed everyone away.

She made sure he ate. She made sure he stayed hydrated. She ensured he showered–meaning she would give him clean clothes, push him into the bathroom, and charm the door lock until she heard the shower turn on and off. James would come out with washed hair and wearing new clothes.

Lily had tried to help him too–but it was Lily that James pushed away the most. The Evans girl was so put out that she also started to avoid him.

The boys had tried to do the same things as Violet for their mate–but James hadn't responded either. Even Sirius had been unsuccessful in helping his brother–which threw him into a loop. To the point where Remus regularly would have to fetch Violet when James and Sirius would start in on each other–leaving Peter trying to diffuse the situation while the Hilton girl was sought after.

Which meant that when it was finally time to head back home for the summer holiday, Violet packed a day early so she could help James pack up and clean.

She had been in his room for two hours already when she was looking for his extra shoes she knew he had, "James? Where're your shoes?"

"I dunno..."

She turned, seeing him come in from the bathroom–his hair wet from the shower she had sent him to take.

But Violet immediately knew something was off when she noticed how bloodshot his eyes were and how pale his skin was. Then she saw the bottle in his left hand.

She had seen those at the very few parties she had attended while being at Hogwarts.

"James..." She breathed–continuing to ask the question she knew the answer to. "What is that?"

He looked down at where she pointed and blinked as if it were the first time he had seen it, "Oh...a drink..."

Pinching her lips, Violet marched over and pulled it from his grasp before he could react.

"Give it back," He ordered with slurred words, his breath putrid with the scent of alcohol. He reached for it–but Violet backed away. "I said give it back!"

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