- c h a p t e r - s e v e n -

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 "DID YOU GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS?!?!" Alice shouted across the room as she packed as quickly as she could–having gotten distracted by someone in the common room.

"YES!!!" Violet called back–rubbing her bleary eyes.

She had woken up late–woken up to Lily shrieking like a banshee when she came into the dorm to find her still curled up in her enormous dorm bed–and the Hogwarts Express would be leaving in about a half hour.

She still was not even close to being done–so much so that she was close to tears; all the while, Lily just watched in amusement from her bed.

"You could help me, you know?" Violet huffed as she dropped her books into her trunk, not caring if it was a mess or not–just as long as it got home.

"Yes, I am aware," Lily shrugged her shoulders comedically, "But as I am older than you, the younger ones must do their own work!"

"Oh, Merlin..." Violet rolled her eyes. She blinked away her frustrated tears, "You do know my birthday is in like two weeks, right?"

It was true.

Violet would be twelve on July 16th, which was only a couple weeks away as the term for Hogwarts ended in June.

And Violet was so excited about it–because she was the youngest out of all her friends now–both the boys and the girls–and they teased her mercilessly about it.

Like the jokes got worse and worse with every birthday that passed, and she was soooooooooo sick of it.

And on top of that–she had already written to her mother and father about doing a small party with some school friends. They had written back–almost overly exuberant about the fact that she had friends she wanted to invite over for her birthday.

Lily (her partner-in-party-planning-crime) was currently helping her with what exactly she wanted to do–which was turning out just doing a get-together at Hilton House with her friends and her family.

But now that it was the summer holidays, it was a thousand times easier to be excited about her party without the exams or homework hanging over their heads.

"Well, you're not twelve yet," Lily giggled from her bed, her chin propped up in her hand. "So get on with it!"

Violet was literally about to yell at her when she realised she could just use magic to finish packing.

So recalling some of the spells they had learned during the school year, she was finished packing in five minutes and was rushing to call down to Charles that her trunk was finished.

She hadn't even walked back to her bed yet when it had vanished.

"THANK YOU!" She yelled over her shoulder at the open door.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!" He shouted back.

Violet swung her backpack and grinned at Lily–still kinda shaking from the high of rushing to get packed, "Ready?"

"I've been ready!" Lily teased as she hopped off her bed, grabbing her own bag.

The two of them were the last ones in their room as Alice had left with Mary–being shooed away by the two redheads to get to the train as quick as they could.

So it was pretty quiet as they left Gryffindor tower and hurried through the castle to get to the courtyard where the last group of students heading to the platform was.

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