- c h a p t e r - t h i r t e e n -

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When Violet Hilton met Hope and Lyall Lupin–she already loved them.

She immediately was able to tell where Remus got his smile and where he got his humor.

His mum–Hope–was always smiling, deep dimples in her cheeks and her light green eyes twinkling like stars in her sweetheart-shaped face. His dad–Lyall–was quiet, but he knew how to make one laugh with his wonderful impersonations while he twirled his mustache around mischievously.

They were–to say the least–perfect.

The teenagers had arrived just around breakfast–all three of them exhausted and ready to eat–and the second the front door opened and Remus said Violet's name, she was pulled into a tight hug by Mrs. Lupin.

"Oh, I am so sorry about your mum and dad," She whispered to Violet after pulling her into the kitchen, leaving Lily and Howard to the mercy of the boys. "I understand if the subject is too hard for you to talk about. But I just wanted to tell you that if you ever need anything, you give us a call, and we'll be there lickety-split."

Violet then remembered that Remus's mother was a Muggle–which meant that the woman would probably just drive the long stretch to Violet's house if she ever needed anything.

She swallowed the knot in her throat and said, "Thank you. I appreciate that."

Mrs. Lupin smiled gently at her before nodding to the plate on the counter, "Get those to the table before they get cold."

Violet spied the scones on the plate, and her stomach growled as she grabbed the plate and hurried to the round table.

It was beautifully lit up in the morning sun streaming in through the lace curtains–and as her friends trailed in (the boys trampling one another to get the food), her stomach clenched as she was hit with the thought–Mum would have loved this.

She stood in the dining room doorway as Sirius was shouting at James, who was holding the butter out of reach–and she jumped when a hand gently placed itself on her elbow.

"Are you okay?" Remus asked gently, his light green eyes that he got from his mother glimmering at her softly.

Violet wished she could say yes.

She really did–but she just shrugged and crossed her arms across her chest.

Remus pinched his lips before carefully wrapping one of his lanky arms around her shoulder and pulling her into a hug.

She wrapped her own arms around him–clinging to him before she realised that this was probably suspicious to the boys and Lily in the next room.

But Remus's arms around her felt comforting and pleasant, and she didn't want to let him go.

"We're here for you, Lottie," Remus whispered to her as he squeezed her gently. "Don't forget that."

Her heart did a weird flipping thing as she nodded against his chest before pulling away and giving him a weak smile, "Thanks, Remus."

The two rejoined the group–eating all the scones, not leaving any crumbs behind–before devouring all the eggs and bacon offered to them.

While this happened, Lily expressed her sorrow that Mary, Marlene, and Alice were all busy and lived so far away, "They would have made having to hang out with all these smelling boys more bearable."

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