- b o n u s - c h a p t e r - A U -

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pre - a/n

hey everyone!

there is a longer authors note at the end, but here's a little warning for this chapter.

it has spoilers for info in THE HALLOWS which is book 7 in the Hilton Chronicles. So if you don't care about having stuff spoiled have fun reading this! or you're reading THE HALLOWS I would wait to read this for a little bit.

but again, if you literally don't care — ENJOY!!!


∆ A Bittersweet AU ∆


    "Why should I, hmm?! You have ruined everything! EVERYTHING, DO YOU HEAR ME?! You filthy, sneaky Mudblood!!!!!"

    "I hope...you rot...in Hell."

    "Unfortunately, Miss Hilton, I have no intention of seeing Death any time soon...But you...you will greet Him soon."


    The world was fading away–Death taking her by the hand and leading her away.


    He was taking her away from her family–from her whole world.

    And he would never let her go. She was His and all because of the snake who had killed her before she had even had the chance to live. Now, she would have watch her whole family from the darkness of Death's embrace, and she would—


    Violet shot straight upward in bed–a sharp gasp falling from her lips as she did and she swung her arm around, her wand raised at the door of her bedroom.

    A spark of magic flew and collided with the wood–burning the light panelling of the door as the wordless spell shot from her wand. She stared at it–her hand trembling as her breathing came in harsh huffs. She had been waiting for another attack when a hand carefully grabbed her wrist.

    Violet's head snapped toward the person it belonged to, finding the understanding face of her husband.

    His voice was soft as he murmured, "You're safe...it was just a nightmare..."

    Violet swallowed–staring blearily at him, "Are you sure?"

    Remus cupped her face with a scarred hand–his wedding band glinting in the morning light. "Positive."

    When she didn't move, just watched him in disbelief–he carefully pulled her in for a deep kiss.

    It was like someone had shocked her when her lips collided with his, and soon, her ever-shaking hands moved to slowly slide into his messy curls, dropping her wand to the blankets as she went.

    She shifted so she was pressed against his clothed chest, and he slipped his arms around her back–his fingertips dancing over the hem of her nightgown as he placed kisses across her cheekbones and jawlines.

    She released a sigh–her nightmare-induced adrenaline coming down as she buried her face into Remus's shoulder, hugging him to her as he moved to pepper kisses onto her shoulder.

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