- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-t w o -

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 The girls' reaction to her news was precisely how she was feeling on the inside.

Marlene looked confused. Mary looked shocked. And Alice looked just altogether conflicted.

Violet pinched her lips, "Yeah, same."

Suddenly–without warning–the girls pounced at her.

"That's amazing!" Alice hugged her tightly–a fake smile on her face. "So do you think you might...ya know...date?"

Violet shrugged, not wanting to continue the conversation, but relented and responded, "I don't know...I guess we'll just wait till that time comes. But...maybe?"

Marlene tilted her head at her, "Orrrrr, perhaps before that?"

Violet rolled her eyes, scoffing, "No, Marley! I'm not ready for that right now! Anyways, education before romance–always! Then, once it's all done, I'll run away with a handsome suitor, get married, have children, and live happily ever after!"

Mary snickered, pushing her curls from her face, "You've obviously thought about this, Vi."

She shrugged sheepishly–thankful they moved away from the Howard subject into just fairytale endings, "Maybe just a little."

They all laughed loudly as they watched their luggage being loaded onto the train before turning around to find an empty compartment through the windows of the Hogwarts Express.

"Also!" Marlene ran a hand through Violet's short hair. "I am loving the new look! It's very chic!"

"I was gonna say that!" Alice nodded exuberantly–her own short hair blonde shimmering. "I got your letter, and I can help you style it when you need it! Mum had that haircut for a long time–so she taught me how to take care of it when I cut my hair the same way."

Violet hugged Alice tightly, kissing her head, "My friend, that would be amazing! Because today was the first day I could do anything with it, and it looks remotely tame." She widened her eyes comically, "I looked like a madwoman yesterday."

They all laughed.

Lily brushed her own short hair off her shoulders, "I love my new hair, but I don't think I'll do that again."

Violet smirked, her eyes spying a couple empty compartments through the curtains, "Saammmeee. This time was enough for me."

"Would you ever colour it?" Marlene questioned as they made their way through the crowd. "Cause I've been thinking about colouring mine purple or something."

"Your parents let you colour your hair?" Alice's eyes were the size of full moons.

Marlene nodded, "Oh yeah! My mum even does some streaks sometimes. But she uses a spell to colour our hair to avoid the mess."

Violet raised her brow, "Do you happen to know the spell?"

Marlene made a face, "Of course I do! We'll have to try it when—oh! It's almost time; I gotta go say bye! See you in the compartment!"

And then, in a blink, Violet stood alone.

She felt a blanket of cold wash over her like every year since her parents had passed.

She was alone. She had no one to say goodbye to or to look forward to seeing at Christmas. No one to go back to over the summer.

It was just her.

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