- a u t h o r 's - n o t e -

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this book has reached the ending of being revised (for now *evil laugh* mwhahaha)

hey everyone!

suprise about this story!

this is violet and remus's story, a prequel to gemma's.

as a warning, this book is fullllll of spoilers (as put in the description of the book; so this is your second warning) for the main part of the hilton chronicles, which is gemma's side of the story. if you don't care about the spoilers – all power to you, but YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

but if you are coming into this and would like to read this alongside the hilton chronicles: i genuinely recommend NOT starting this book until AFTER book 3 (the prisoner). and then if you want to avoid more spoilers for gemma's tale – make sure you read through book 5 (the order).

again, though, if you don't care and just wanna read a fic bc ya wanna read a fic – understandable have a nice day – onto general information regarding FOX!


this book, oh man.

this book was started in the year 2020, and i just finished it this year in the spring (2024 a/n, welcome to i don't know what spring i was talking about probably two springs ago – oh well).

so, in other words, this story is another child of mine, along with gemma and sally's (elway chronicles for sal) stories.

violet is such a special character and has been absolutely amazing to bring to life over the last couple (2024 a/n, now four years) of years. there is so much of myself in her as i wrote a lot of the book from personal places in my life.

again, as is a theme i like to keep real, there will be some discussion about mental health and some side effects behind that (depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, some s.h., bad coping mechanisms in general, etc.) . i will give heads-ups, but just as an overall warning, it will be present in later chapters (like wayyyyy later) of the book.

there will be language in this book. like it ramps up the further in you get – because they get older and teenagers do not really have filters for that sometimes. the worst of the language happens when the intensity of the situation grows to the point where no one can think straight and your heart feels like its gonna explode from the tension. but yeah – generally there is language, but it gets a little more frequent the further you get!

also, there is quite a bit of gore the further you get in – mainly when violet is an adult and everything seems to be on the line in her life (but if you've read some other marauder fics, you would know that literally no body is safe, thus why there is pain).

another thing about this book is that I may put it in a mature setting because of the heaviness of themes brought into the books. the marauders era is just, in general, a hard era in the wizarding world, and it reflects in the story the further you get into it. so if at any point you guys feel like i do need to add that warning (or if I haven't yet in general), let me know!

but yeah! so i think that is all i will put here unless i change my mind, which is always a possibility, haha!

just the general things...

all rights go to j.k. rowling (ugh *eye roll*) and the wizarding world!!

please don't steal my work (all of my original content with violet and other ocs is mine, and it's rude to steal stuff, so don't do it)!

comment, vote, etc! please, don't be a silent reader! i wanna hear from you guys!

and last but not least, thank you so much for taking the time to read my books, it means the world to me!!!

have a great morning/afternoon/evening!

and welcome to FOX...


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