- c h a p t e r - s e v e n t e e n -

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"So why exactly are we going to the Hog's Head?" Violet asked Sirius–who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders loosely.

They were finally allowed to go to Hogsmeade now that they were in their third year of Hogwarts.

Violet had managed to convince her aunt to sign the permission slip to visit the small town–and now that she was here, she wanted to see everything.

But the boys said that they had to visit the Hog's Head first–much to Violet's dismay as they walked right by Zonko's. She also realised her mistake in leaving early with the boys because there was no way in hell they were going to let her hang out with the girls now.

So she would suffer (not really) and let them drag her around.

"Because the bartender gives firewhiskey to kids who can answer a riddle–and you are the smartest out of us," Sirius said cheekily–gasing down at her with a strange glint in his grey eyes.

"Wait, you brought me with you to get you booze? You're thirteen!" Violet looked at the boys indignantly.

"We just wanna try it, Fox!" James sidled up beside the two of them–pushing his glasses up his face. "Nothing more."

Violet looked at Remus for confirmation, and he shrugged–his lankiness making it more awkward than it probably was intended to be.

She rolled her eyes, "You lot are gits."

"Oh, you love us," Sirius pressed a kiss to her hair.

"Only a little."

"A lot because you're still willing to do it," Peter commented–grinning at her.

They reached the Hog's Head, and Violet stared up at the sign hanging from the side of the building reluctantly, "If we get caught–I'm not helping you with homework for six months."

"God, and I thought Sirius was dramatic," James pulled her out of Sirius's grip. "Come along, Hilton, time to go win some Firewhiskey."


"What are you dressing up as this year?"

"Mmmm...I thought it would be funny to dress up at the professors."

It was the third consecutive Trick-or-Treating event at Hogwarts–as started by the Gryffindor trouble-makers.

The entire castle was in on it now after seeing how fun it was during Violet's first year–and since then, even some of the professors had started to participate, giving out sweets after their sessions (as the students normally wore their costumes all day as given permission by Dumbledore himself).

And for the Pureblood students who couldn't get their parents to cave and buy them costumes before they arrived–the Muggleborn and Half-Bloods had started to put together extra costume packets that they would pass out about three weeks before All Hallow's Eve hit.

Violet had had an idea prior to the summer holidays and her parents' passing–planning on asking her mum to help her make it–but now that she was on her own, she thought it would be quite hilarious to use whatever she had and dress up like a professor.

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