- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-o n e -

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 "Remus?" Violet called softly from the bathroom.

"Yes, Lottie?" He said back after a few moments.

"It doesn't really matter, but did any of your clothes shrink in the last load of laundry I did?"

She felt bad when she heard the sheets of the bed shuffle, and he started to move around the room before replying, "No, I don't think so. Why?"

Violet shrugged in the mirror–dark circles under her eyes staring back at her, "I guess my clothes just shrunk. Or..." Her frown deepened a little, "Maybe I've put on weight..."

"Which is okay," Remus told her immediately. "You're beautiful and perfect either way."

Violet felt a light blush rising up her neck, but it turned to nausea, and she let out a low groan, "Oh..."

"Lottie?" Remus entered the small bathroom. "Are you alright?"

He looked terrible.

And it was warranted.

Hope Lupin passed away in her sleep about a week after the New Year. It was now almost the end of February, and Remus was not doing okay.

But Violet was no stranger to grief–still working through her own fresh grief with the passing of Marlene and her family on top of mourning the loss of her mother-in-law.

Which was why she saw the sunkeness of his eyes and cheeks and the sharpness of the angles of his face–her stomach twisted, which did not help the wave of nausea that had just started to subside.

To say she was worried about her husband was an understatement–but she stayed by his side as he mourned. She also took trips to see her father-in-law to ensure he was okay.

To not make him worried, Violet nodded at Remus in the mirror, straightening, "I'm good! Just a little dizzy–probably from not eating yet today."

A barely visible, relieved smile fell onto his lips as he gently grabbed her wrist–turned her to him, and whispered in her ear, "I think you look beautiful, Mrs. Lupin."

Another blush rose onto her cheek as she rose to her toes, pressing a gentle kiss to his chapped lips, "Thank you, Mr. Lupin." She pushed a piece of hair from his eyes and murmured, "I've got to get going. I'm helping James pick out colours for the baby's room."

Remus swallowed thickly–his Adam's apple bobbing as he did, "Will Sirius be there?"

"I dunno." She tilted her head at him as his hands slid into the back pockets of her overalls. "Do you want me to come back if he's there?"

Remus shook his head, "No. No. Enjoy your time with Padfoot. You've spent enough time worrying over me."

Violet scoffed a little, "I'm your wife. I will always worry about you." Her danced over his face, "You're mourning. There is nothing wrong with mourning. Don't you ever think otherwise. You were with me when my parents passed. Now, I will be here for you. Forever and always, yeah?"

He blinked harshly–placing his forehead against hers, "Forever and always."

Violet placed her hands on his face and stood even taller, kissing his forehead before asking, "What would you like for dinner?"

Remus sniffled but shook his head, "I want to make dinner."

A tiny smile tickled at her lips as she questioned, "You sure?"

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