- c h a p t e r - f o r t y-t h r e e -

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 Violet brushed her hair from her face as she settled in her seat for Astronomy.

It was one of her favourite classes–despite it being at an unbearably late hour of the night.

She turned her head to the seat beside her and sighed a little. Violet tried to not let the fact that Lily and James were officially together get on her nerves. She was the odd one out, especially with the rest of her friends having their various significant others. She wasn't jealous of them–but rather just lonely.

Specifically, it bothered Violet that Lily hardly sat with her in class anymore.

And speaking of which–Lily was actually missing tonight.

Violet lifted her head, searching the room.

With a frown, she concluded that Lily Evans was nowhere to be found.

She spotted Sirius (who was probably daydreaming about his girlfriend who had already graduated), Alice, Frank, Mary, and Peter–all moseying and talking with one another at their various desks.

But then Violet's eyes fell on the peaceful face of the person who had made her heart stop since the summer holidays–and a long time before she even realised what he was doing to her.

Remus lazily flipped a page of a book at his desk–in his own little world.

Violet swallowed thickly–trying not to make anything awkward as she stood and moved to his table, whispering, "Hey...Have you seen James? Or Lily?"

Remus's green eyes met her brown ones, and she was sure her face had blossomed like a rose as he replied quietly, "I haven't..."

Violet straightened–desperate to escape her complicated emotions, "Okay, thanks...I'll be back."

She moved to the front of the class and got a hall pass from the professor to fetch Lily and James.

But as soon as she reached the hall, Violet wasn't sure what to do or where to start looking. Not to mention, Her footsteps sounded far too loud as she padded across the cobblestones in her flats. It made her skin crawl as she hugged her arms around her body and started to search every hall and staircase around the area of the Astronomy Tower.

After about ten minutes of searching, Violet was ready to give up and about to turn back when she heard voices from one of the bathrooms.

And they sounded panicked and angry.

Violet pinched her lips–knowing she should have kept looking for Lily and James–bbbbuuuttttt, she was curious.

So–making sure no one was looking–Violet morphed into her fox form and slid into the shadows of the corridors.

"Are you sure he told you this?" The voice snapped coldly.

"Do you think I'm daft? Of course! I am one of the closest to him! Why are you questioning me?!"

"Because last time we did something like this–it failed. And your target got away! A target that you didn't share with me! And still haven't shared with me!"

There was a sound of scuffling feet before the first voice became even more vicious, "You listen to me...You're under my orders, and I'm under his..., and he said that we are doing this! You understand?!"

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