- c h a p t e r - t h i r t y-s i x -

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She was half asleep when she found herself back in the Gryffindor common room.

Which was why when James came out of nowhere–she almost had a heart attack. But instead–she punched him hard in the chest.

The two had to silence their screeches–recovering before James spoke in rushed and panicked tones.

Severus bloody Snape was in the Hospital Wing with injuries that almost put him six feet under.

Suddenly, the night of singing at the piano, overeating chocolate, and being absolutely destroyed in chess by Remus faded away, and Violet was just staring at James in shock.

"Prongs, what happened?" Her quiet voice was even–which scared the shit out of James.

He nervously fiddled with his hands, "Snape almost died tonight."

"You mentioned that..."

The two stared at one another before Violet released a heavy breath–grabbed James's sleeve, and sat them both by the fireplace.

She quickly relit the smouldering coals with her spell before she turned her gaze back to her best friend/brother.

She was having a hard time being frightened for Snape after all the shit he had put her and the rest of her friends through since attending Hogwarts.

But James seemed quite worried about the whole situation, so she took his hands in hers–staring hard at him, and said, "Tell me what happened."

"Sirius," was his simple response.

She straightened–her frown pulling deeper, "Did Sirius corner Snape?"

"No...That idiot tipped Snape off about the tunnel in the Whomping Willow." James's eyes were becoming more and more frantic as he explained. "Apparently, he recalled that Snivellus was obsessed with finding dirt on Remus and his disappearances every month. So–with everything that has happened this school year–Sirius had the bright idea to tell the greasy idiot about the tunnel. But Snape did not know it was in the Willow." James sounded infuriated and annoyed as he spoke. "Originally, Sirius was just going to let the Willow whip him into shape. But then–" He grimaced a little. "It was like he had a defining moment, found me, and we went to stop Snape. If we hadn't, it could have killed him." His knee was bouncing wildly–but Violet kept hold of his hands, encouraging him to continue, "We stopped Snape–got him to Madam Pomfrey, and then I asked Sirius why the hell he would do this, and he told me what Snape did..."

Violet literally could not think of one thing the Slytherin had done after what happened down by Black Lake, "What did Snape do?"

"Ruined your dress at the dance."

Ohhhh... Violet rolled her eyes, "He holds grudges so easily..."

"Oh, really?!" He exclaimed harshly–anger seeping into his words.

She raised a brow at him as he pulled his hands from her and placed them on his face.

Violet just sat there as he sat there with his head in his hands–his glasses threatening to fall off the tip of his nose.

Finally, she leaned forward and pulled the Potter boy into her embrace. It was like he suddenly couldn't hold it in any as he curled against her despite his tall stature–his body shaking with silent tears.

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