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in celebration of having over 7k reads on FOX (guys seriously that's so wild and little gwen is losing her mind right now) here is a little somethin' somethin' for ya ;) 



(ps if there are other chapters that you want other povs from, lemme know :) )


∆ Remus's POV ∆

 She wasn't going to come.

She wasn't going to meet him at the ice sculptures like they had agreed earlier that afternoon–before she was whisked away by her girlfriends.

Remus was starting to feel nauseous and anxious, pulling at the neck of his dad's slightly out-of-style dress robes. He was about ready to pack it up and run out of the Great Hall in search of Violet herself and make sure she was okay. He knew she sometimes had panic attacks, and he was worried this had triggered one.

Why was she taking so long?

"Mate, you have got to take a chill pill," Sirius told him, sipping on his spiked punch as he sauntered up next to him. He was dressed in expensive dress robes–ones that made Remus feel like a ratty, second-hand sock. Everyone who saw him was left gaping, which was not surprising. But Sirius only had eyes for Marlene, even as he stood there reassuring Remus, "She'll be here. Violet doesn't go back on her word."

"I know she doesn't," Remus murmured–his eyes searching the crowd for what felt like the seven thousandth time.

"Then why are you losing your shit?"

"I dunno..."

"Well, try not to," Sirius straightened the item Remus had tucked into his suit coat last second. It was the handkerchief Violet gifted him the year before–all embroidered with an L. "She'll be here..."

With a wink, Sirius disappeared into the crowd–weaving in and out of the groups of people to find his date.

Sighing at his friend's departure, Remus closed his eyes as he popped his neck with a gentle turning.

Chill out...

Remus honestly wasn't sure Violet would say yes when he finally had told her it was him asking her. His secret letters hadn't worked, and he was sure Violet was going to throw him off the Quidditch Pitch the day he finally went and sought her out rather than waiting for her to figure it out. She had looked so small and so empty when he had found her in the cold. And when she fought him–Remus wanted nothing more than to cry at the sound of her sobs and the feeling of her weakly trying to escape his embrace.

She was so, so broken over everything that had happened–her parents' death, the fight at the Lake, all of it–and it was like time had caught up with her, drowning her in the tears and darkness that stole her.

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