- c h a p t e r - e l e v e n -

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"Do you think thirteen is too young to be in love?" Marlene suddenly asked as the girls all lay by the Black Lake–making flower crowns from the purple clovers growing over the hills around Hogwarts.

Mary sat up, her crown nearly finished, "Marlene McKinnon, what are you going on about?"

"Just what I asked. Is thirteen too young for love?"

"Why are you asking?" Violet questioned, pushing some of her hair from her face as she reached over Lily to grab some of the clovers.

Lily slapped her hand away, "Those are mine!"

"Oh share, Lilibutt! I've run out! Marlene took all of mine!"

Lily gave her a hard look at the nickname but then smirked before throwing a handful of grass at her face–making the Hilton girl sputter as it got in her mouth.

"But to answer your question–" Alice said after laughing with the girls at Violet's rushed actions to get the grass off her tongue. "I don't think it is ever too young for love!"

"That's because you love everyone!" Mary teased Alice–who dreamily wove her crown.

"That's because everyone deserves to be loved! No matter who they are or where they come from!"

"Even Lucius Malfoy?" Violet asked–scowling at the part of her crown that had just come loose.

"...Maybe not him."

They girls all laughed again before Marlene's voice rose up again, "I was asking because some very familiar boys have already been getting into some trouble with love..."

Violet had not been paying attention until she felt four pairs of eyes on her.

Lifting her gaze, she looked at the girls, "What?"

"Have you not noticed Sirius?" Marlene asked in disbelief, pushing her dark hair back from her face. "He's thirteen and already changing one bloody handsome guy?"

Violet wrinkled her nose, shaking her head, "Why on earth would I notice that?"

"Why would you not?!" Mary exclaimed, her curls bouncing as she made a wild movement incredulously. "You're with them all the time! And you've been in detention with him for months now!"

"Not only that, but he's always hanging on you!" Marlene added with an eye roll and a smirk. "There's bound to be some kind of attraction."

Violet scoffed, grabbing some more clovers and grass, "You are all mad! The boys and I are just friends. More siblings than anything."

The girls looked at her like she had grown horns and sprouted a tail.

"I bet you tickets to one of your, Lily, and Mary's Muggleborn concerts that you will end up with one of them," Marlene snorted, throwing grass at Violet again. "And if anyone says otherwise–you're a whole git and a half."

Violet rolled her eyes at her, chucking the whole flower crown at her friend–making her gasp in shock, "You'll be eating your words, Marls! Because I don't think I will ever fall in love with any of them!" Then she made a face, "But yoouuuuuuuu...You're too weak to turn down their charms! I have no doubt you'll end up snogging all of them at least once!"

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