- c h a p t e r - t h r e e -

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They were a month and a half into school, and Violet was just thriving.

Well, thriving in every subject except Transfiguration at the moment.

"I just don't understand..." Violet was staring down at her Transfiguration homework. The pucker between her brows was more pronounced than it had been since she tried to learn to do the quadratic equation by herself last Christmas. She turned her best friend and moved the scroll in front of her, "Lil, how does–"

Lily had leaned over, and Violet did not even finish her question as the Evans girl deftly explained it, and then Violet understood.

"Ooooohhh!" Violet hummed, dropping her hands off of her head in relief. "Okay, that makes a lot more sense!" She grinned at Lily, "Thanks."

Besides Transfiguration, Violet loved all her classes, especially flying lessons with Madam Hooch.

It was the class where she didn't have to sit still for almost two hours and was outside laughing and having fun.

She honestly wished she were in that class right now instead of doing this homework for Professor McGonagall's class.

Severus, from the other side of the table, lifted his head at a loud noise coming from behind the girls. A scowl inched onto his face, "Here come the twits..."

Violet, furrowing her brows, turned and saw James, Sirius, and Peter coming toward the table.

The boys had become some of her closest companions when she was not with Lily, Severus, or her dorm mates.

They had already gotten into some trouble since they had been at school as well, much to Lily's frustration.

Turning back in her chair, Violet gave Severus a harsh look just as Sirius's familiar shaggy hair fell into her view.

His chin was on her her as he asked, "Whatchaaaaa doinnnnnnn', Red?"

Lily pushed him off and shouted irritably, "What you're supposed to be doing, Black!" She looked at James, whose dark hair was as messy as ever, and scowled. "Like all you're supposed to be doing!"

Peter blushed and stammered over his words, "W-We k-know."

Violet putting a calming hand on Lily's arm, asked, "Then why aren't you doing it?"

"Because we were wondering if you," James leaned against her shoulder with a grin. "Wanted to take a break and––"

"No," Lily interjected sternly. "She would not like to. We have a quiz coming up, something you probably should study for, Potter."

James gave her a pouty look over Violet's head, "Evans, come on! We just wanted to––"

"No," Lily said again. "We. Need. To. Study."

But, of course, this led to the inevitable.

As it happened every time, everyone turned to Violet expectantly.

Her face went red, and she shook her head, "Um...I'm sorry, James. Lily is right. I need to study. But maybe you could come study with us, and I can––"

"You shouldn't have to do their work for them, Violet," Severus snapped, his tone belittling and rude. "They should learn to work on their own problems."

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