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The room was full of kids running around, screaming, and causing chaos. This was normal for a primary school at recess, but what was not expected was the apparent awkwardness of two specific little girls.

    They were both significantly quieter than children their age and much more mature as well. Perfect candidates to be friends.

    So naturally, the adults watching over the classroom took matters into their own hands.

    "Violet, this is Lily."

    The young redhead girl stared at the girl in front of her, her brows furrowed, the skin puckering where brow met brow.

    She blinked in confusion, "Why do you look like me?"

    The other girl blinked, too, "I was going to ask you the same thing..."

    They were both the same age, six years old.

    And she was right. The girl in front of her looked like a mirror image of herself, which was strange because she was an only child.

    This was why Violet had such a hard time making friends, as she spent most of her time with her parents, reading books or playing make-believe in the woods behind her house.

    But as the two stared at one another, something shifted and sparked between them.

    "I don't know," Violet answered, watching her with gentle wonder in her big brown eyes.

    Lily shrugged, the same twinkle appearing in her emerald green irises, "I don't either."

    They just stared at one another, unsure what to do, but ignored the screaming kids around them.

    "Why don't you go play with blocks?" One of the teachers, Miss Presley, suggested. "Or read some books?"

    The girls just shrugged and went over to the empty book nook, pulling a couple of the faux leather-bound volumes from the shelf.

    They silently read the books in their laps, sitting cross-legged on the colourful carpet with butterflies across the surface of it.

    It was about seven minutes before Lily looked up, blowing hard from her lips before randomly asking Violet, "Do you like dolls?"

    Violet's head popped up, her lips lifted with a huge smile, a single top front tooth missing, "Yes!"

    "Me too!" Lily put the book aside, sitting up on her knees. "Although my big sister Petunia doesn't really like me touching her things."

    Violet noticed her wording as the observant child she was and looked at her in confusion, "Do you not have any dolls?"

    Lily shook her head, her petite lips pinching sadly, "No. But I asked for one for my birthday."

    "Why doesn't your sister like you touching her things?"

    Lily stared at her for a moment, glancing around at the screaming kids before moving closer to Violet and whispering loudly, "Cause I can do magic, and Petunia doesn't like that."

    Violet blinked, her heart thudding loudly in her ears, "Magic?"

    "Yeah! It happens by accident, but Mummy tells me that I still cannot do it in front of people, and even when I do do it, Petunia gets really mean about it. But I know someone who doesn't! He is one of my best friends! He––"

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