- c h a p t e r - f i f t y-e i g h t -

87 5 4


tw: gore & torture


"I love hiking..." Violet panted–sweat soaking her back. "But oh Merlin, help me..."

"Girl, I feel you..." Lily wheezed slightly.

Lily and Violet dragged themselves out of their tents early the following day to hike, which was great for the first mile.

They laughed and told jokes and reminisced about school and life. But as they hit nearly two miles of step-up hill climbing, they both started to kinda die out.

"How am I so outta shape?!" Violet cried–pressing her fist into her side where a stitch was forming.

"I dunno! I'm trying to figure out the same thing about me! I run every day!" Lily complained–throwing her head.

"Uh, same!"


"I DON'T KNOW!!!!"

Despite wanting to die, they pushed through and collapsed as soon as they reached the top.

Violet stared up at the rare crystal blue sky–huffing and puffing.

"Violet?" Lily gasped after lying on a large cliffside for about fifteen minutes.

"Yeah?" The Hilton replied before she took a long drawl from her water.

"How would you feel about being a godmother?"

Violet shot up so fast she almost gave herself whiplash, "EXCUSE ME?!"

Lily shot up as well–her hands out in front of her as if she were surrendering a war, "No! No! No! Not right now!"

Violet placed her hand on her chest, "Oh, Merlin, Lils! You can't do that to me! I thought you were literally pregnant right now! I was about to apparate us right back home!"

Lily laughed breathily, leaning back again, "Absolutely not. Do you really think James would have let me out of the house if I were?"

"He would have duct-taped you to the wall and never let you out of the house."

"He actually tried to do that before I left."

"How did you escape?"

Lily smirked with a shrug, "I told him I'd shave his head if he ever tried that."

Violet's eyes grew to the size of moons, "Did you really threaten him with that?"

Lily laughed so hard that her face turned the same colour as her hair, "I did."

Violet laid back down, her hands over her middle, "He probably woulda died without his hair."

"Nah," Lily sighed. "Knowing James, he's gonna live forever, or he's gonna try to."

"Why do you say that?"

"He told me one night–after too many glasses of firewhiskey–that if I were to die, he was coming with me. He told me he wouldn't be able to bear it if I died." She chuckled dryly before quietly adding, "And honestly, I feel the same way about him..."

Something about that sat wrong with Violet.

The words made her feel frightened and anxious.

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