- c h a p t e r - f o r t y-o n e -

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    Violet and Sirius stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas that year.

    Both James and Remus had invited them both to stay with their families–but when Violet had seen the look on Sirius's face, she knew the two of them needed to stay back.

    This would be Sirius's first Christmas away from home.

    This would be his first Christmas being a cast out from the House of Black.

    And while Violet begged McGonagall to let her take Sirius to Hilton House–the professor refused to let them go home without an adult (which was quite hilarious as Violet had been living alone for a while now).    

    So they planned to stay at Hogwarts.

    As the day where everyone would leave for the winter holidays grew nearer–Sirius became more sullen. Even Marlene was having a hard time cheering him up. She had repeatedly asked him if he wanted to come home with her for Christmas, but he had gently turned her down every time.

    Violet knew the seventh year girl was worried for her boyfriend, so before Marlene left–the Hilton Gryffindor whispered, "Don't worry about him. I'll make sure he's okay."

    Marlene nearly suffocated her with a grateful hug before she moved to murmur her farewells and Happy Christmases to Sirius.

    "You sure you'll be alright?" James flanked Violet's side as she buried her hands into her coat pockets–trying to hide from the biting cold.

    She bobbed her head, watching the couple, "We both will." She looked her best friend/brother and whispered, "Will you be okay? Don't think I haven't noticed how quiet you've been."

    It was true.

    James received a letter one day during midterms and has been aloof with everyone ever since.

    And no one could get him to spill what was wrong.

    Not even Lily–who was becoming increasingly worried and absolutely infatuated with him.

    Sirius, Remus, and Peter had even looked for the letter–but their search was futile as they found nothing.

    So as Violet stared up at the tall Potter boy, she could see he wanted to say something–so badly, but he shook his head and whispered, "Happy Christmas, Vi...Don't get into too much trouble while we're gone."

    And he turned on his heel and left.

    "What did he say?"

    Violet saw Lily and Remus in her peripheral as she watched James leave.

    "Nothing," Violet shook her head. "I dunno what's wrong with him, but it's not good."

    "I'll check in on him," Remus told Violet–seeing the deep worry in her dark eyes.

    "Me too," Lily murmured–squeezing Violet's mittened hand.

    "Thanks, you two." She turned to them, giving them weak smiles as she hugged them, "Happy Christmas. I'll send your gifts in the next few days."

    She bid the rest of her friends farewell before linking arms with Sirius and returning to the castle.

    Only for a familiar younger boy with grey eyes to catch her eyes.

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