- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-n i n e -

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"Vi, just pick one..."

"But they're two different editions."


"And they might have added stuff into the newer version!"

"Then get the newer version!"

"But what if the school uses the older version! Then I won't have it!"

"Then get the older version!"

"But what if—"


"...but the older one has a cooler cover..."

"Okay, you're done," Sirius took both books from her with a scoff and marched to the front of the store–fully intending to buy her both copies.

"Sirius!! Let me buy my books!" She was laughing very hard now as he pretended to be exasperated by her behaviour. "I have my own money! Give them back!"

Sirius held the books over her head–having grown much taller than her over the holidays even though she herself grew a good amount as well–settling just at his shoulder, maybe a couple inches shorter.

They were making many people laugh and chuckle at their ridiculous antics–of course, until the buzz kill had to come and ruin it.

"Well, is this Miss Hilton I see?"

Violet nearly tripped as she stopped jumping to grab her books–her blood running cold.

She hadn't seen him since that night she saw him watching her house–as he had graduated from Hogwarts.

Turning slowly, her short pink hair tickling her cheeks, Violet spied Lucius Malfoy standing there, a snide smile on his thin lips. He looked idiotic as ever with his combed-back shoulder-length hair and tailored robes. Not to mention the stupid-looking cane that he leaned on far too gracefully for the bumbling prick he was.

It was quite lovely not having him at school, and sometimes she would even forget about him, but seeing him here at Diagon Alley reminded her that he was still around. Even though she didn't know it. It made her skin crawl.

His sharp eyes swung over to Sirius, who was standing stone-still next to Violet, any humour that had decorated his features early having vanished.

"I suppose your darling mother isn't aware that you're here? Hanging out with such persons of status as Miss Hilton?" Lucius taunted him, reminding him that Sirius's mother loathed Violet and her entire existence. When Sirius didn't reply–his jaw clenched, Lucius clicked his tongue and said, "You probably shouldn't get too much more on your mother's bad side. Especially not after this–"

"Piss off, Malfoy," Violet snapped at him–cutting him off quickly, even though a deep worry bloomed further in her chest for her best friend/brother. She stepped in front of Sirius and snarled, "Quit being an asshole and go bother someone else."

The older boy clicked his tongue at her, tilting his head patronizingly, "Such language, young lady. What would your parents say?"

Her face flushed, her stomach squirming as she shot right back, "They would tell me to tell you to go fuc—"

"Miss Hilton," Professor McGonagall appeared out of literally nowhere, cutting her off. Her eyes widened slightly in warning as she asked, "Have you purchased your supplies yet?"

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