- c h a p t e r - s i x t e e n -

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hey my lovely people!

just wanted to say thank you so so much for the the 2k+ reads! i never thought that this book would hit that number – so like wow!

anyways – again thank you so much for reading and i hope you continue to enjoy the updates and story in general!!

see 'round!

~ gwenlee


 An excited laugh fell from her mouth as she and Remus stepped into the small, enclosed space.

"Ready, kids?" The elderly wizard asked with a grin–having just finished giving them a safety talk.

Remus looked a little worried–his hands fiddling with the broom in his hands, but Violet nodded exuberantly, almost bouncing out of her skin.

The broom shop in Diagon Alley was doing a special test run for some new brooms for newer Quidditch players, and she and Remus had gotten in line just before they shut down the sign-ups for test flies.

Violet was sure that James and Sirius were gonna be furious when they found out–both of them just as obsessed with Quidditch as she was–but it had been a very last-minute thing. Violet had found an enchanted flyer on the way into Diagon Alley and had all but dragged Remus with her to the shop.

The elderly wizard–his name was Gregory if Violet remembered right–handed them each a helmet and a set of elbow pads and knee pads.

Violet did not blame the store for taking extra precautions–especially since the little test flight area was over cobblestones. She had no doubt that a nasty hit to the head could cause problems–which was saying something as she had hit her head more times than she cared to admit growing up.

Violet pulled off her light jacket–setting it off to the side, hoping no one would come up and steal it–before sliding the elbow pads up her arms and then bent over to situate the knee pads as well.

Once they were in place, she stood up–eager to get going.

Remus shuffled nervously beside her, struggling to buckle up his helmet–his finger trembling.

She placed her own helmet on, buckling it easily before turning to her best friend, "Need help?"

His cheeks flushed red–nodding and said, "Yeah, thanks."

"Don't mention it," She told him with a smile, unaware of the weird fluttery feeling filling her stomach.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the enclosed space–looking at the broom shop owner for the go-ahead.

He nodded with a smile, and Violet mounted her broom.

Kicking off the ground–she started to do slow loops around the space, getting a feel for the new broom–which was very different from the old brooms at school. She figured that those brooms hadn't been updated or replaced in a while.

"Remus!" She called from the top of the space. "Come on!"

Remus furrowed his brow, still hovering just a few feet off the ground, "I-I don't know, Vi..."

Violet flew down beside him with ease, giving him an encouraging smile, "Here, I'll help you...we'll go slow, okay?"

Remus lifted his light green eyes to her, pinching his lips before replying, "I don't want to hold you up."

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