- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-s e v e n -

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"Where is the icing?"

"Right here, Mistress Violet..."

"Ah–thank you very much!"

It was almost the end of the year, and Violet had been struggling with something Madam Pomfrey called anxiety.

Yes, she had heard of it before–mostly in jokes people told or overhearing people say they were anxious about exams–and yes, she had felt anxious before. Still, it had never been so severe that she felt like she was dying. It had never thrown her into frenzies where she could not breathe or focus on anything, taking away her whole day and putting her behind in school. It sucked any energy from her, and she would spend the rest of the day sleeping in her room, the Hospital Wing, or with her head in someone's lap after retiring to the common room for the day.

And Violet had never known such unconditional grace about her coursework than she had when it sprung up without warning. Her teachers did not baby her, but they gave her extended deadlines and graded her just like the other students. It gave Violet a little more space to recuperate after a bad moment.

What did change was just how protective her friends had become. The groups–together and separate–had always been (mostly–mainly talking about Lily and the boys) protective in one way or another. But the shift in dynamics was slightly more drastic than Violet wanted it to be.

The girls started to take notes for her; they began to figure out her triggers (mainly around making enormous mistakes, losing people, etc.). They had been carefully avoiding or gently discussing those topics. They were mindful in words and actions–being quieter about the whole thing.

Meanwhile–the boys...

Well...That was a completely different story.

Violet had always wondered what it would be like for the Queen of England to have her protection services around her all the time or just in general what it would be like to have bodyguards–and now she did.

The boys were with her 24/7.

Except, of course, in the bathroom, when she went to bed, or something of that sort.

But they were with her during meals, classes, library study sessions, in the common room–everywhere.

And despite them all being (mostly) helpful–out of all of them, Remus had been the most helpful.

Even though he had been a little more subtle than the other boys, he was still by her side the entire day.

From the moment they met in the common room to the moment they said goodnight.

And any time an attack would come, Violet always turned to him. The first time he had calmed her down had sparked something new and tender in her heart for her best friend. It was almost a warm feeling that would wrap around her like an invisible hug. And somehow, he always seemed to sense when something was about to trigger the anxious monster deep within her.

Violet had not noticed it at first, but then she realised that right around the time she was about to have an attack in the middle of Herbology when her work was frustrating her–Remus had moved closer to her and brushed his hand against hers, letting her know he was there.

And from that moment, Violet noticed.

Sometimes, it would be just his hand brushing hers, or sometimes, he just grabbed her hand–running his fingers over her knuckles soothingly. And if that did not help, Remus would lean over and call her from her anxiety with the same mantra.

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