- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-f o u r -

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    "Uh, okay...I was not expecting that..."


    Violet was staring at James's animagus as he carefully pranced around his room in Gryffindor Tower.

    Well. Carefully was a massive understatement.

    As careful as a raging bull in a China shop.

    Violet gave Sirius a slightly annoyed face before replying pointedly, "I guess we'll just have to do what I suggested in the first place? Remember?"

    "Which is? I cannot recall–"

    "Don't be a prick. You're dumb, but Vi has told you this a thousand times," Remus called from his bed–rolling his green eyes. "And if it means anything, I agree with Vi's decisions and suggestions. Which is to only roam around in your forms at night."

    Violet crossed her arms, nodding at him firmly, "Thank you, Lupin."

    Sirius snorted, muttering something under his breath that she didn't catch.

    But whatever it was, made Remus–who was sitting close enough to hear it–throw a small notebook at Sirius's head, his face going slightly red.

    Violet furrowed her brows at them, but then she turned to James–who had just morphed back into a boy, clothes and all.

    He was stumbling around, searching for his glasses.

    He really was as blind as a bat.

    With a chuckle, Violet moved to his nightstand and grabbed the round-framed glasses off the top of the random Muggle magazines he must have gotten from someone. They weren't the most appropriate ones either. She rolled her eyes before moving to James just as he was about to slam headfirst into his bedframe poster.

    She grabbed his wrist–stopping him, and said, "Hold still..." She slid the glasses on his nose–having to stand on her toes to do so. He blinked a couple times as she tapped his nose, "We're gonna have to find a way to keep these close by when you turn back..."

    James pushed her away, mocking the fake offence, "You calling me blind?"

    "Well, I'm definitely not calling you clear-sighted."

    Sirius chortled from across the room–running his hand through his hair as James glowered at him.

    Violet looked over at Peter, who was quietly sitting on his bed, "You should practice your transformation too, Pete."

    The pudgy boy blushed, "I dunno..."

    She moved to his side, nudging his shoulder, "Come on...ya gotta get used to it. We need you out there."

    Peter and James had finished their leaves around the same time–only about two months after they arrived back at Hogwarts.

    And only last week, they had the first thunderstorm of the school term, and since then, it had rained and rained and rained. Like it rained almost every day since the first storm in their hidden castle in the middle of Scotland.

    It had given all the teenagers time to do school, but it had also allowed the boys and Violet to work on their shifting.

    It had taken James a while to get used to actually changing, and this was the first time he had actually completely changed his form. Which was why Sirius lost his mind about it.

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