- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-t h r e e -

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 When Violet revealed her new look, Sirius was the most starstruck out of all the boys.

His silver eyes had grown so big when she came down with her pink hair that she thought they would pop out of his head. And then, to add to her shock over his shock, he clumsily grabbed her hand, and the two of them rushed into his dorm.

"Sirius, what is–" She was laughing when he shoved a tiny bottle in her face.

"Do you know how to apply this?" He asked excitedly.

It was eyeliner. Liquid eyeliner.

Violet giggled–a little impressed he got his hands on the make-up, "Rebelling against the Black name, I see?"

"When am I not?" He snickered–waggling his brows at her.

After a quick eye roll, Violet grabbed the make-up from him and passed him the headband she had had in her hair.

"I'll teach you how to do this yourself, but just for now, I would use a headband to keep your hair from your face."

"Got it," Sirius said seriously as he put the headband in his hair.

After he was settled, Violet told him to stand still and kneel down a little so she could reach his eyes.

She carefully applied a thin line of eyeliner around his silver eyes–the make-up making his eyes pop like mad. Then, with a giggle, Violet applied a thin layer around her own eyes in the guys' bathroom.

The two of them looked at each other in the bathroom mirror before bursting out with laughter.

"We look sooooooo hooootttttt," Sirius stared at himself from different angles.

Violet, examining herself as well, drew out, "So, shall we go show the boys?"

Sirius held his hands before him–gesturing to the bathroom door that had like four towels draped across the top, "After you, Fox."

When the two of them returned downstairs–Sirius still wearing Violet's headband–James took it as his golden opportunity to destroy his roommate.

He mercilessly teased Sirius about the eyeliner and headband. Then, when he noticed Violet's new hair colour, he got on her too.

"Do we have to call you Pinky now?" He snickered–picking up a piece of her hair and examining it.

She smacked him on the back of the head–having to stand up on her toes to do so, "Absolutely not!"

James stuck his tongue out at her before turning back to Sirius to tease him even more, "Why you wearin' that stuff, Black?"

"Sod off, Potter!" Sirius shot back–throwing an arm around Violet's shoulders. "Fox and I are matching; that's all that matters! You're just jealous!"

Violet rolled her eyes before feeling a pair of eyes on her.

Turning her gaze to Remus looking at her, she tilted her head at him, "Yes?"

He blinked and seemed to just realise he was staring, "Oh! Sorry! I did—"

Violet chuckled, her heart doing a weird fluttery thing, "You're fine! I know, it's a big change. First, I cut it, and then I got into a bet, so ya know...it's a whole thing."

Remus grinned at her, his eyes glimmering at her with something she couldn't read, "I guess so."

Without thinking, she ran a hand through her short pink hair, "What do you think?"

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