- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-t h r e e -

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September 1st






His laugh made Violet scowl as she tried to dip down to cut off dead pieces of foliage from her plants.

Unfortunately, she was to the point in her pregnancy where she could barely see her toes and had a hard time doing anything without her baby bump getting in the way.

Which for Sirius was very funny.

He hurried outside–his hands in his trouser pockets while his slightly sunkissed, pasty, Quidditch-toned arms were exposed to the summer sun as he wore a band shirt with the sleeves cut off.

He leaned over and spoke to the baby girl, who was probably listening in Violet's stomach, "Your mummy is going mad."

"Her mummy is also the one with the plant sheers–so I would watch what you say, Black."

Sirius had been doing better with Marlene being gone.

He smiled more again, to Violet's delight. And he and Remus seemed to be on better terms than before–which neither of them explained still. Anyway, Sirius had decided to visit for the afternoon before going to watch baby Harry James Potter–the most adorable dark-haired and emerald green-eyed baby boy one would ever meet. Even though he would be back later, so he could laugh at Violet being in mummy mode with Harry.

Sirius was such a responsible godfather (he really was a fantastic godfather–practically a mother himself).

He leaned over and kissed her head dramatically before exclaiming, "You won't hurt me. You love me too much."

She hummed, "I do love you, you git."

Sirius just snorted before reporting, "Alright. I'm off. I told Lily I'd pick stuff up for her at the market before I came over."

Violet smiled a little at him, "Harry is going to be very loved as he grows up."

"Yes he will be." Sirius nodded at her belly. "And so is little Fox."

"How do you know she's not gonna be a little Moony? All quiet and snarky and smart?"

Sirius eyed her stomach before shaking his head, "You'll see. It'll be a little you."

"Or maybe it'll be both me and Remus."

"Remus and I."

Violet just laughed and waved a hand at him, "Off you go, grammar police."

He hugged her quickly before vanishing around the house with a playful click of his heels.

Violet watched until he completely disappeared before sighing and looking down at her belly, "If he teaches you how to cause chaos before I can, I will be very upset." There was a kick, and Violet grunted in discomfort, "Such a drama queen you are..."

It wasn't long before the late August heat drove her inside.

To fill her open time, Violet made an entire pie and lemonade for when Remus returned from some mission Dumbledore had assigned to him and Alastor. She had no idea where he was or when he would be home–but Violet would bake whenever he did one of these missions. It helped calm her.

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