- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y -

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 Well, like the good friends that they were–about a month after Christmas–Sirius and James defended Violet's honour and were both given double detention.

Why? one must be asking.

They used a charm on Bertram Aubrey, making his head grow twice its normal size.

It was a lively spectacle they had performed one day in the courtyard. And as much as she hated to admit it–Violet enjoyed it, but she couldn't help but wish it was someone else whose head had been enlarged.

But the Hilton girl pushed away those thoughts when her girl-friends joined her–laughing their asses off.

They had heard about Violet's blow-up and how it was Bertram who had performed the spell last term from someone in Marlene's other circle of friends. Then for just a moment, the two groups were united in their enjoyment of watching the Slytherin get his head turned into a blimp.

And it was no surprise to anyone when Bertram was transferred to another school overnight–for his actions and because Dumbledore probably knew that the kid would be the target of James and Sirius for the rest of his career at Hogwarts.

But with the vanishing of Bertram–the school had nothing to gossip about, to its dismay and Violet's relief.

She finally felt like she could enjoy her last few weeks of the term without people constantly staring at her.

With her "new" freedom, she took the liberty of walking across the school grounds one weekend with her sandals in one hand and a bag full of drawing supplies–right to Hagrid's hut.

"Hagrid?" She called after knocking a couple of times on the enormous door.

There was a bustling around before the door opened, and the gentle gamekeeper smiled down at her, "'ullo, Violet. Wha' 'ou doin' 'ere?"

Violet shrugged with a grin, "Just thought I would come down and see if you wanted any help with anything. I was getting a little cooped up with all my homework done."

Hagrid chuckled at the studious girl, " 'ow 'bout a cuppa instead of workin'?"

She nodded excitedly, "That works too!"

After letting her into his hut, he led her to an overly large table and chair. Violet stared at it for a second before tossing her shoes and bag and hoisting herself onto the beautifully carved chair.

She waited patiently as Hagrid made them both tea and smiled at the cup he set in front of her.

It was bigger than her head.

After it cooled for a bit, she took a sip and actually enjoyed the slightly bitter drink.

They fell into comfortable conversation–Violet telling him all about her summer plans and excitement over the upcoming exams, and he told her about his study of some new creatures that had just been discovered.

As he explained all of this to her–Violet had an idea.

Hoping Hagrid didn't think her rude, she pulled out a piece of parchment and a bit of charcoal from her bag and silently started to sketch and talk with Hagrid. He belly laughed at something she had said about James and Sirius, and once the giant had settled down, he seemed to notice that Violet's head was bent over her parchment.

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