- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-f i v e -

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Everything was misty–the fingers of Nature's ghouls pressing around her.

Violet spun in her place, trying to figure out where the hell she was as she seemed to be the only source of light wherever she was.

"Hullo?" She shouted–her voice slightly echoing. "Hullo?"

Something crawled over her foot.

Not crawled...


Looking down, she spied the vague shape of a familiar silver snake.

A strangled scream fell from her lips as she kicked it away. She quickly moved away in her panic, only to trip in the process. Her hands hit something sharp as she fell, cutting deeply into her palms. As her discombobulation faded and pain continued to throb through her body, she found herself staring down at bones.

A ribcage in fact.

Blood was dripping from her hands as she pushed herself away from the broken bones–more screams and cries erupting from her.

But it didn't help as her right hand crashed through something else. She whipped her head around, and she spied the human skull her hand had gone through the top of.

A scream tore from her throat; bones surrounded her everywhere she turned to escape.

A garbled noise came from her lips as she scrambled to her feet again–struggling to escape the maze of bones.

"HELP!!!" She screamed to anyone who would listen. "PLEASE!! SOMEONE HELP!!!"

As if on cue, the ground gave out from under her– sending her slamming into a wall.

The same wall from her nightmare every night.

The blood from her hands smeared across the wallpaper as once more–without fail she was thrown around and torn apart by the enormous snake in the house.

It never changed from this scenario–one she thought she had lived out that night Lucius had nearly killed her in Hilton House. She had thought this because Lucius had been the snake–always had been.

Her nightmare never stopped, and she always came back here.

But tonight–something changed as she stared at the crumbling ceiling, her breaths leaving her.

Tonight, there was a little boy–maybe about seven or eight.

He had a head of wild, light brown curls and dark eyes. And he just kneeled over her–smiling with a tooth missing on the top row of his teeth near the front. His eyes were twinkling as he peered down at her with a laugh on the tip of his lips.

"What's happening?" Violet barely rasped as she stared up at the little boy in bewilderment.

"It's time to go home. Nana's making dinner!" The little boy's voice was distant and almost familiar.

"What do you–"

Cold seeped into Violet's bones as she spotted the snake over the little boy's shoulder.

In one last burst of energy, Violet wrapped her arms around him–pulling him toward her as the snake launched at them both, jaw wide open and ready to go in for the kill.

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