- c h a p t e r - s i x t y-n i n e -

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No. No! NO!!!

How did he find her?

Oh Merlin, where are Remus and Gemma?

Lucius's eyes never left her face as she slowly inched around the kitchen and kept her distance.

He knew his appearance had set her on edge as he laughed and looked at the table behind her tauntingly, "What a lovely spread? Did you make it yourself? You and the family celebrating something tonight?"

Violet did not answer–refusing to let her hand drift to her midsection.

Lucius didn't seem to take the hint that she wanted him to shut up as he continued, "I bet it's going to be a wonderful meal. Where is the werewolf anyway? And your pup? Has she sunk her teeth into her first victim yet?"

The disgust in his voice made Violet's blood boil as she glowered at him in silence–keeping him in her vision at all times.

He titled his head–his grey eyes taunting her with each step he took, his cane tapping on the tile floor, "You know it's rude not to answer a guest in your own home when they ask you a question. It is offputting, as some would say."

Violet's lips fell into a scowl, "You were not invited, asshole."

He scoffed–rolling his eyes as they glinted in victory at getting her to talk, "As if that would change anything."

Violet just sneered at him as she was trying to think of where she had put her wand. She did not appreciate that she couldn't remember where it was. And soon, she was making note of what she could use as a weapon until she found the magical device.

She catalogued a few different things: a decorative candelabra on the fireplace, the fire poker, the carving eating utensils on the table–

In other words, she did not have much unless she managed to grab a knife from the cabinet. Which her odds of getting to the cabinet before Lucius caught her were looking very slim.

But as she tried to buy herself time, Violet leaned into the lessons Alastor gave her.

Narcissists liked to talk about themselves.

And Lucius Malfoy was just about the most narcissistic wizard there ever was.

So Violet used it against him, keeping her voice even, "Why are you here?"

This, of course, was a slightly dumb question because Violet knew exactly why Lucius was here.

She wasn't a fool.

He was here to finish the job he had failed to complete many times before. And he would be just as ruthless as he was that night in the woods. Lucius would not hold back. Not that he was precisely chill that night either–but with the downfall of Voldemort, Violet had no doubt that all Death Eaters were out to get as many targets of the Dark Lord as possible.

And she wouldn't be surprised if she were near the top of that list.

It was apparent she was with Lucius being here. She was honestly shocked it had taken him this long to find her–but Violet knew that there was one person who would have told him if her and Sirius's suspicions were correct. But he was dead, and there was no way of getting any proof.

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