- c h a p t e r - f o r t y-e i g h t -

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The group had decided to go to the sea–very similar to what they did all those summers ago.

However–this time, they had rented a small cottage owned by a very nice couple, whom James and Peter had met when securing the details for the holiday.

It was called Shell Cottage–if she remembered right.

Violet stretched from her place on the mostly deflated air mattress. She had taken the floor with Marlene while the other girls shared the King bed.

She was always the first one up–so per usual, she grabbed her novel and jumper and slipped out of the room.

Padding down to the first floor–she was suddenly very happy she had grabbed socks. The stone floors were always cold, and she was always cold–so those two things did not mix well.

She snuck into the kitchen–quietly filling up the kettle and putting it on the stove while she made some toasts with butter and some honey.

The crunchy breakfast made her hum in delight as the water boiled for her tea.

Once the tea was made and she had put away the tea leaves and other stuff, Violet made her way out to the little sunroom.

With a sigh, she dropped onto the little couch swing that overlooked the ocean.

The foamy waters crashed against the shore in gentle dances–making Violet smile.

She could see herself coming back here. Maybe she would come back with her own family someday. Watch her little ones run around the surf, catch crabs, building sandcastles.

Thinking of those things felt like a dream.

Would she ever actually get to do that?

With the impending doom of Dumbledore making a house call to her or her friends' homes, Violet wasn't really sure of anything anymore.

At any second, her entire world could end in a blink.

Same for her friends–her family.

In a split second–they could lose each other.

In a breath, they could be planning a funeral.

Violet closed her eyes–trying to stop her brain from overthinking everything that was coming.


She jumped–her head swivelling to the door to find a sleepy-looking Remus.

Her heart quickened in her chest at the sight of him–and she tried to control the blush that was crawling up her neck, but she knew it was futile.

"Did I wake you up?" She murmured–getting ready to stand. "I thought I was being–"

Remus held up a hand–moving to sit beside her, "No, no. You didn't." His body sank into the cushions–his eyes watching the waves as she had been just a few moments before.

Wordlessly, she passed her warm mug to Remus–not watching him sip from the cup or play with the tea bag string.

"Mum is sick..."

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