- c h a p t e r - s i x t y -

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"The McKinnons are gone."

Violet's head snapped up from the book she was reading, curled up in front of the fireplace, "What?"

Remus's jade eyes were haunted as he marched across the room–pulling her into his arms as he murmured, "Marlene...her family, they're all gone. He got them."

It took Violet fifteen seconds to realise what he was talking about before a dry sob fell from her lips, "No..."

"Vi, I'm so so sorry."

Her sobs took over the room, but when she spoke, the words shocked him: "Does Sirius know?"

Remus's shoulders tensed as he pulled away and said almost dryly, "I don't know."

"I have to go make sure he's okay."

"Lottie, I don't know if that's such a good idea."

She stared at him in shock–her foot halfway into her shoe, "What wouldn't be a good idea?"

"Going to Sirius's right now."

The Lupin woman choked out, "What the bloody hell is wrong with you, Remus?"

He looked exhausted as he stammered on his words.

This was a regular occurrence for the married couple right now. The early stages of marriage had been rough–especially with Violet's recovery and Remus being called to Order meetings constantly. The two sometimes spent multiple days walking on eggshells around one another, irritated that their personal time was being cut short and invaded. So Violet spent her days in town or at the house–which was hidden under the Fidelius Charm plus other protective charms- and Remus was the only one Merlin knew where when he was summoned by Dumbledore.

She wasn't always alone–sometimes Alice would come over or Lily or even Sirius (the girls still didn't know about Violet and Remus–the couple being careful not to give themselves away just yet). But Violet hadn't been called to the meetings in months, and very few of her friends knew where she lived now.

But here she was–staring at her husband–who was trying to get her to stay put when one of their best friends had just died, and the other was probably all alone bearing the news.

Remus swallowed thickly–running his hands through his hair that desperately needed to be washed, "I just...I just don't think it's safe right now."

"No one is safe, Remus," Violet shot back at him–shoving her other foot into her shoe. "But Marlene–" Her voice cracked as her hands twitched at her sides, "Marlene is dead, and Sirius needs us."

Remus frowned a little before he nodded, "You're right, you're right. I'm...I'm sorry. Let's go."

Violet released a breath before she moved to him–grabbing him by the lapels of his coat and pulling him in for a deep kiss.

His hands cupped her face as he kissed her back–his body moving closer to hers as he did.

When she pulled away, Violet gazed at him softly, "I'm sorry for snapping at you..."

He shook his head, his voice a hum as his eyes danced around her face, "I'm sorry for being a git."

She gave him a sad smile, "You're my git."

Remus pulled her in for one last kiss before he intertwined his hand with hers and said, "Let's go make sure Sirius is okay."

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