- c h a p t e r - f i f t e e n -

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 "Violet...Wake up..."

Her eyes fluttered open, just barely–but the light hurt her eyes, and she was so comfy under the duvet she was tucked under that she almost fell back to sleep immediately.

She was almost gone again when a different voice shouted, "TERRANCE IS GETTING INTO YOUR STUFF!"

Oh like hell he is.

Violet shot straight up only to slam her head right into someone else's head and to be slingshotted back into her pillow–pain erupting through her skull.

"OW!!! WHAT THE HELL?!" A voice that belonged to Sirius cried from her right.

Violet rubbed her own head–groaning and blinking harshly at the light, "Wh-what happened?"

She finally sat up again, slower this time, and looked around at her relieved and slightly impatient friends.

Remus's face was taunted as his voice drew her gaze, "You got struck by lightning..."

Violet's jaw dropped, "What?!"

"Yeah, and then–" James jumped in–nearly bursting out of his skin.

In all his chaotic glory, Sirius slapped him upside the head, sending James to the ground dramatically, "Can you change? You know..." He glanced back at the closed door to Violet's borrowed room. "Like turn into an animagus?"

One would have thought Sirius had just asked Violet to throw herself off a cliff as Remus snapped, "Sirius, she has just woken up from being asleep for an entire day! She is absolutely not going to–"

"Wait..." Violet stopped him from losing his whole mind. "How long have I been asleep?" The boys all looked at one another before Violet shrugged, "I should get struck by lightning more often, anyways..." Remus looked ready to throttle her as she placed her hand on his and said, "It's okay, Remus, I promise..."

Despite still fighting the urge to curse the sun for existing, Violet kicked the blankets off her legs and stood shakily.

Remus moved to her side–his hands on her elbows as she steadied herself.

She gave him a grateful smile before straightening and said, "Well...uh...Lemme think. I need to imagine what animal appeared in my vision before lightning struck me..."

She pinched her lips–trying to recall everything that happened, and then when her memories finally resurfaced, her lips lifted.

Closing her eyes, she imagined the animal, and as she did, a feathery feeling took over her body, and she felt her body shifting.

She felt herself growing smaller, daintier, and weirdly enough–hairier.

It did not hurt–just felt very, very discombobulating. It wasn't long before the feeling vanished, and when she opened her eyes, she was looking at the boys' feet. Four sets were now all gathered around her. Lifting her eyes to them, Violet found that they were all grinning madly at her.

Sirius knelt down–the smell of his cologne or whatever he had on filling her nose and nearly choking her–and had the audacity to just pick her up.

"HOW CUTE!!!" He cried–holding her up like she were some kind of puppy dog or something.

She made an unamused face at him, and he just cooed at her before turning her to the looking glass in the corner of the room.

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