- c h a p t e r - e i g h t e e n -

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 Long story short, Lily and Violet got none of their work done.

The two Gryffindor girls spent all of their time in the Great Hall helping the Slytherins who were suffering in different areas of their courses.

As her last tutoring assignment, Violet helped guide a fourth-year through a pretty simple astronomy project–one that he missed a few steps in, but as soon as he realised what he had missed, he understood perfectly.

She checked her wristwatch as she stood from her spot next to the student–and saw it was getting closer to curfew.

Shouldering her bag, Violet was turning to leave when someone stopped her.

"Oh...Regulus..." She stared at him in shock. "Do you need help?"

He glared at her with the same grey eyes that looked down at her with such admiration from his older brother, "I don't need your help."

Violet pressed her lips together, withholding a sigh, "Well, I know you do need someone's help because you're standing here. And I can help you–even if you hate me."

Regulus seemed angry at her kind words, like he wanted her to get upset so he could see her lose her mind–but when she didn't react the way he wanted, he gave up.

He gave in, and Violet sat with him despite needing to leave soon and guided him through his Charms homework.

It was a little gruelling with his stiff and cold attitude toward her–but by the end of their little session, Regulus Black seemed to thaw.

"See?" Violet chuckled tiredly–after checking over a couple of extra practice problems for him to work on. She smiled at his answers before lifting her eyes to him, "You did it!"

Regulus looked like he was fighting a smile as he dropped his gaze to his finished homework.

Violet rubbed her eyes, "Have any other charms homework I can help you with?"

Regulus opened his mouth–probably to answer her when a rude voice snapped from across the table, "You know a charm or a spell that can silence people?"

Violet and Regulus both looked up at the older Slytherin boy–maybe in his sixth year.

He had dark brown hair and sharp blue eyes–a scar on the bottom left side of his chin.

Violet stared at him–recalling his name as Bertram Aubrey, but she wasn't sure why he was so upset with her.

Violet raised her brows a little, frowning, "I'm sorry?"

"Do you know a charm or a spell to shut someone up? Or maybe one to make stupid people smarter?"

She got what he was implying–attacking her blood status as most Slytherins did–and she was absolutely not in the mood for dealing with wankers such as him.

She straightened, tilting her head at him innocently, "Why? You need it for yourself?"

So–it wasn't her smartest move, but she didn't care.

Slytherins needed to clean up their act–especially with Muggleborns and Muggleborn-sympathisers that attended Hogwarts. So she decided to fight to make sure it happened.

Did she have to do it when everyone was tired and frayed at the edges from exhaustion?


But did she do it anyways?

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