Chapter 1 The Nomad

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*Thanks for checking out my chapter. I have a couple of projects that I have started, but definitely need to write what I feel like writing. I'm on hiatus with my main Supernatural story for the Holidays. I'm discovering I'm missing one of my darker storylines I wrapped up a while back, which brought me full circle, back to a character I had been developing years ago. The Samcro Princess was a character I had in my head for a long time, back when I was watching season three of the series. My issue was always the best way to write it. This is where my character Face came in. The story is told from his perspective. This is my first time writing from the perspective of a male character, so we'll see how this goes. Not promising updates any time soon, because I have to get a feel for where this story is going. Thought I would put the first chapter out there and see how this goes. It's Sons of Anarchy so it's vulgar, raunchy, offensive and violent...Enjoy!*


It was the charter I finally landed on, and one of the only ones that didn't come after me.

I was a nomad, a nomad who showed his loyalty to the club. I'd been overpowered by a rival gang. I mean the gang, literally most of the members. Only way they could've gotten the jump on me. They wanted intel, and I wouldn't give it up. As such they burned me, I now wore a gelatinous looking scar on half my face. Pussy dried up after that.

I was called Face by the club because I was one sexy mother fucker. After the burn, I was more of a resemblance to the Batman villain, so it evolved with me. I wasn't in a charter, I had no pull or authority, so like I said, pussy dried up.

My determination and loyalty made me an ideal member to the charters, most tried to poach me. Some were more eager than others and put a bad taste in my mouth. I thought how the standing members might be a little bitter if I patched in too, so I stayed away from any that went after me.

The mother charter, the one that started it all, that's the one I settled on. I wasn't getting any younger, I was looking for roots. Samcro not only had the prestige, it was also apparently more family oriented. Why this appealed to me, I don't know but it did.

Samcro's president was Clay Morrow, original nine. From what I heard he was a big gruff man who was not to be fucked with. He was a logical thinker but would drop the hammer without hesitation.

His VP was his stepson Jackson Teller, son of one of the founders, John Teller. Jax was said to be a good guy. They were harder to come by in this life. He tried to be fair and where he could, would choose the path with less blood. I would tend to choose that path, but the blood always found me. Jax was said to be about my age, but also, not to be fucked with.

While other members of the first nine had gone on to be presidents of other chapters, Samcro housed three. One was doing hard time, another still sat at the table, but wasn't so active these days.

Clay's old lady, Gemma had a reputation that preceded her. The example all other Old Ladies modeled themselves after. She was loyal and ruthless. She took charge and many say without Gemma, Samcro would have crumbled long ago. She was just as dangerous as any member, not only because she could get blood on her hands without flinching, but the entire club would take a bullet for her. Her right hand was her daughter. I didn't catch her name, but she wasn't anyone's old lady. An unconventional set up, but then none of the higher-ranking members had one other than Clay.

Like I said, no name but apparently, she was known as the princess of Samcro. She was looked at as the little sister, niece, or daughter figure of most of the men in the chapel. Had a temper that rivaled her mother's and I guess most nomads goal was to fuck the princess when they rolled into town. I didn't need that fucking drama. She could stick to her nomads, though rumor was only a handful met their goal.

Charming California. Small town that somehow, lived harmoniously with a motorcycle gang that wore a patch that read, reaper crew.

I pulled into town, I drew the attention of the locals, cops included, though they kept their distance.

I soon pulled into Teller-Morrow Automotive. The business at the front of the Samcro clubhouse.

I settled my bike and looked around the lot. I could hear the mechanics working, otherwise it was a picturesque little place. Blue skies and birds singing. I took off my helmet and headed to the office. Before I could get there a dark-haired woman walked out folding her arms. "Can I help you sweetheart" she asked?

The demeanor gave away her identity immediately, this was Gemma. "Yes ma'am" I nodded politely. "I'm looking for Clay Morrow or Jax Teller. Conner Reid, I'm the nomad they're expecting, Face."

"Gemma" she confirmed my suspicion as she extended her hand I quickly shook. "I'm Clay's wife, Jax is my son."

"Jax twelve" I asked quickly?

"You're cute" she nodded rolling her eyes. "I'll call em up."

I didn't wait long before a man around my age with shoulder length blonde hair approached me and shook my hand. "Jax" he nodded. "Face, right?"

"That's right" I nodded.

"Clay's waiting in the chapel" Jax nodded as he led me to the clubhouse.

I walked through the bar, where there were other members sharing a beer. I gave them a nod which was reciprocated. Jax brought me into the chapel and Clay called church. They probed me, asking why I want Samcro when other charters were offering me so much more, I was honest and upfront.

There was a unanimous vote to bring me in. I was told I would be an enforcer, which worked for me. I wasn't squeamish around blood or breaking some bones. Rumor had it, their road captain was on his way out in the near future, I was watchin for that seat, being nomad, it was a natural choice.

Tonight they planned to throw me a welcome party, a ton of drinking and club whores, or crow eaters. Can't say I expected to get lucky.

Gemma came in and hugged me, welcoming me to the club. "What do you like to eat honey" she asked? "Girls and I want to do up something special for your patch in tomorrow."

"I uh" I stammered. I was a nomad, I ate bar food or fast food, I didn't really do home cookin. "Wings and beer I guess" I shrugged.

She pursed her lips. "I'll be putting my daughter on that one then. Makes the best damn wings on the West Coast."

"Sounds great" I nodded politely.

"Great" Gemma nodded.

"Where is the princess" Jax asked her?

"She's gone to get your kid" Gemma told him putting her hands on her hips. "We knew you guys would be out tonight so Abel is having ice cream with Gramma and Auntie."

"You two spoil him" Jax told her.

"You're damn right we do" Gemma told him giving him a hug and kissing him on the cheek.

She walked over to me, "have fun at your party, enjoy the pussy."

I laughed at her forward comment. "Yeah, they're not quite rushing to me these days" I said coyly as I pointed to my scar.

"You're still a stud kid" she told me. "And these are crow eaters. You say jump they'll ask how high. Go, get your dick sucked."

The party started at sundown. I sat in a chair in the corner, minding my business and adjusting to my surroundings.

So, which one of these Crow eaters was gonna get me hard? I was surveying the room when she walked in.

She crept in the front door with a grin on her face. Her dark wavy hair swayed and framed her face as she tried to quietly close the door behind her. She ducked in as though she were trying to come in undetected. She wasn't decked out like the other crow eaters, but she didn't need to be. She wore a black henley tank top that barely contained her perfect tits. Her curves were highlighted by the jeans that looked like they were painted onto her dynamite ass. How was no one else spotting the sweetest little piece of ass that just walked in the building?

She ducked back behind the bar, into the kitchen and I wasn't about to let anyone else get ahead of me for this one. When I walked in, she was bent over the deep freeze. I bit my lip and suppressed a hiss as I took in the view. She popped up with a tub of ice cream in her hand as her back arched in my direction when she noticed me. Her eyes examined me in silence.

"You do not look like a crow eater" I told her. My voice may have been a little too menacing, but it didn't seem to faze her.

"There's a reason for that" she grinned at me. "I'm not."

I didn't care who she was at this point, she had my attention. "You sure you should be in here then" I tested her?

"I left something" she smiled at me picking up the ice cream before placing it on the counter behind her. "When I show up to these little parties, everyone tries to pretend I'm not here" she wrinkled her nose playfully. She was going to be fun.

"How is that even possible" I asked her? I didn't know where this confidence was coming from. I used to be real smooth with the ladies, apparently, I hadn't lost it.

"Face, right" she asked?

"What gave it away" I asked her sarcastically pointing to my scarred side? She smiled and looked at her feet. God I wanted to bend her over and just take her tight little pussy right there.

"Harley" she nodded with confidence, her tongue rolling over the L. I wanted to taste that tongue.

"I really like riding Harleys" I nodded as I slowly stalked towards her.

She leaned against the counter and put the balls of her palms on the edge, giving me the perfect view of her cleavage.

"Around here they tend to call me princess" she told me as I reached for her curves and pulled her body flush to mine. I was getting hard, looking at her, smelling her, now touching her. I tilted her chin up to me and kissed her, sliding my tongue in her mouth. She put one hand on the nape of my neck and pulled me closer, hungry for me. Fuck, she wanted this too, so God damn hot. She then pulled back from the kiss, her mouth staying close enough that I could feel her breath when she told me. "As in princess of Samcro."

My lips trembling to reach hers again, I froze. My eyes shot open to meet hers "As in, Harley -."

"Teller-Morrow" she nodded with each name, cocking an eyebrow. "Jax is my brother and I call Clay Daddy, but not in the same way you want me to call you daddy."

"Fuck" I huffed, not moving away, but knowing I couldn't push this any further.

"Not worth the risk now huh" she asked me?

"No, I feel like you probably are" I nodded, my body was still close enough I could feel the heat from hers. "I'm just trying to stop being a nomad here. Not to mention the princess can probably do better than a nomad burn victim". Maybe the last part sounded a little pathetic, but truth was even if I patched in tomorrow, this chick was above my rank by a long shot.

Her hand found the bulge in my jeans, and I let out a quick exhale while her hand rubbed up and down my shaft. "Shame" she whispered. "I was having fun."

She removed her hand and I let out a sigh of disappointment. She grabbed the ice cream. "Gotta get this to Abel before it melts" she told me as she walked away. I watched every sway of her hips until she reached the door and looked over her shoulder. "Good luck on getting in the charter."

I was rock solid. Holy fuck she was hot, and she barely did anything. I made my way to the bathroom and closed my eyes. I jerked off thinking about if I'd just gotten in that tight wet little pussy. I held myself up against the wall as I came. Reality struck me, this was dangerous territory. The president's daughter?

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