Chapter 15 Forgive? Never forget

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Thursday morning Piney opened TM, I had an appointment at the station. Where I'd been hospitalized, I'd been able to put off my statement to the police in regards to Abel's kidnapping. Problem with the police is they have jurisdiction, and Abel was well out of their jurisdiction. We didn't have parameters to work within, we could do what needed to be done. Part of my procrastination was due to the fact I knew that ATF bitch would be there.

"I'll be right out here" Face told me as I climbed off his bike. I heard a second bike pull in and Happy put out his kickstand. These two were beginning to be inseparable.

I approached the station and Unser was coming to the door with Jacob Hale. I stopped in my tracks seeing the box in his hands. David Hale had been taken out by those shooters at Kip's wake. They'd run him down in the street. There was one cop in this town I trusted, Dave wasn't it. But I did trust his genuine desire to help people and do the right thing. Not sure what I ever did to make him have a soft spot for me, but he did.

"Mr. Hale" I nodded to Jacob. "You have my deepest condolences. Dave was special. He was dedicated to the job. Made folks in this town feel cared for and safe."

"That's what he was doing when he got killed in the street" He glowered at me. "Trying to keep people safe, from the gang violence in this town." He said nothing else, just walked past me.

Unser nodded to me and shrugged, "Sorry about that Harley" he sighed. "I know you're going through a lot."

"I don't have exclusive rights to that" I shrugged, my attention turned to Jacob as he placed his brother's belongings in the trunk and closed it. I addressed Unser again, "I believe I have an appointment."

"You're a little early" he nodded gesturing to the stone wall near us. I nodded and sat down with the good chief, getting out my cigarette and lighting up. "How's our girl?"

"Dunno" I replied. "Haven't talked to her."

"What" he was surprised?

"She can't know about what happened to me" I explained. "If that didn't bring her running, she'd ask why, and then Abel would definitely bring her home. And keeping stuff from mom..."

"Doesn't sit right with you" Unser nodded.

"No" I shook my head.

"You and your mom, you're close" he nodded. " And she's proud of you."

"For now" I nodded, watching that ATF stain come to the doors.

"Miss Teller" she nodded. "You look like you're feeling better. So nice of you to be punctual."

"That's me" I told her, putting out my cigarette and exhaling. "Super nice."

"Shall we" She asked me, holding the door and stepping aside to let me in?

"Do I need a lawyer" I asked, looking more to Wayne than her?

"Did you do something that would make you need a lawyer" She accused me?

"No Harley" Unser told me putting a hand on my back. "This is just a statement. They just want to know what happened. But I can be in the room if that makes you more comfortable."

"I'm good" I nodded. I wasn't going to show weakness to this bitch. I walked in with determination as she led me to the interrogation room.

There was a man in a shirt and tie waiting in the room for me. "Miss Teller. I'm Agent Louis" he got to his feet and shook my hand. "Thank you for coming. I want you to know, we're doing everything we can to return your nephew home. We just have a few questions for you."

"Right" I nodded as I sat in the chair, across the table from him.

"So, for starters, can you tell me what you were doing at Jackson Teller's home" He asked?

"Jackson is my brother" I nodded. "We were having a large gathering at the club and we stopped in for a few things, mostly for Abel."

"And who were you with" he asked?

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