Chapter 56: Snap

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* So I just spotted, we hit a milestone. 9000 views on this story which means bonus post. Honestly I would be more freaked out if I didn't just put another one in the can. Thank you so much for reading, this is the bonus with the next chapter coming tomorrow on schedule*


My jaw was clenched, and I was silent as we parked our bikes outside a loading bay. This is when I laid eyes on him for the first time since he gave the order. The Motherfucker who scarred me, Darby.

"We just want to talk" Jax assured him.

"You needed seven guys for that" he asked his eye lingering on me. "I know one of you has an axe to grind."

I didn't say a word, just looked at the burns he now wore on his face. Same side, a little less severe than mine, but a reminder of what he did.

"My brother in-law can control his temper" Jax once again provided comfort.

"Brother in-law" Darby asked? "He married your spit fire sister?"

"He did" I snapped. "You want me to be triggered you keep talkin about my wife." My warning wasn't lost on him or any of the guys, I was on the edge here.

Jax took the warning and continued to business. "Clay is in Stockton" He explained. "He offed an Aryan shot caller to earn protection. MC caught the blowback. We need to know who we should be looking for."

"Not my life anymore man" Darby shook his head. "I'm married. Doing the Jesus thing. I can't help ya."

"Come on, Darby" Jax's laughter mocked his pathetic attempt to brush it off. "You don't just marry the help and turn in your brown shirt."

"No" Tig agreed, "There's a reason you're sanding tables with a piece in your pants. Come on."

I noticed the wife watching all of us cautiously, me in particular. "Why she look so scared?"

"One of my old crew, Eddie Gerber" he explained. "Finished up a dime in Chino a couple months back. I hear he's recruiting for the brotherhood, trying to reestablish a street game here."

"Where do we find him" Happy asked standing close beside me?

"He's got six acres on the edge of Oswald's land" He replied. "It's off the grid."

"Hangout or headquarters?" Chibs asked?

"I'm not sure" Darby told him. "Eddie was always more talk than walk."

Jax took a step back and waved us over.

"We should do some reconnaissance" Happy suggested.

"Yeah, man, I mean, this Gerber guy doesn't know who we are" The former Sargent agreed with the present. "We just roll up; we act like we're interested in the cause. Suss out who, how many?"

Knowing Jax had an important meet with the Irish he started to mull over the plan. Send in Tig and Rat as a father son team invested in the cause. Darby was going to take us to their site.

"Faceman" He nodded to me. "I need you back to TM. We're meeting with the Irish I need eyes on Trin."

I nodded and headed for my bike.

"Face" Darby called. As he approached me I could feel my temperature rising. "Listen" he said quietly to me. "I know an apology won't mean shit."

"Then save your breath" I told him.

"I'm not the same guy" he told me.

"You're only still breathing because I'm not" I told him starting my bike.

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