Chapter 38 A Little Brothel in the Wall

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The Nomads were in. There was no going back, not now. I knew I needed to handle my own shit and if lines were crossed, I had every intention of doing so. And I would do it without putting Face in a tough spot or revealing I was no better than the skank who turned her back on him.

"Where is your brother?!"

I jumped waking out of my thought process to my mother craning her neck at me with her hands on her hips. "Hello dearest daughter" I replied unenthusiastically. "How are you oh light of my life?"

"Harley Jane, where is your brother?!" Apparently my humor was wasted on her.

"Nah yeah" my tone didn't change. "That actually sounds a little more your speed. Still in chapel, far as I know"

"Tell him I want to see him" she ordered as she stomped towards the door.

"Tell him yourself" I called to her opening the beer cooler and emptying a bag of ice.

She stopped in her tracks and turned slowly. She glared at me for a second, "What the hell is your problem?"

"Whatever pissed you off with him, is between you two, leave me out of it." My tone was calm, but it was warning her to not tangle with me right now.

She scowled at me, and in true Gemma fashion, she retreated across the parking lot to the TM office.

"Well at least now you gave her a reason to be pissed at you." Clearly Face had caught the tail end of the conversation. He made his way over and his arm was around my waist, pulling my temple to his lips.

"I know" I replied with a sigh. "I'm a giver that way." I handed him a glass of whiskey and slid a shot of tequila down to Sasha before pouring my own. "We toasting the new members" I projected my voice, so the club could hear me?

"Here" Chibs called out. "And our new VP, Bobby."

"Shalom" I lifted my shot glass and took it.

"And" Bobby announced. "Samcro's newest secretary and logistics officer. Face."

It wasn't a typical role for Sons. It was a smart move. Chapters who had a secretary and logistics officer seemed to thrive over the others. Problem most chapters had was too many of the enforcers, not enough brains. Face was the whole package in that sense...and many others. My head spun in his direction, and he gave me a coy smile.

"Holy shit babe" I put my hands behind his neck and started to pull him down to me. "That's fucking awesome." I kissed him and his hand found my back, pulling me flush against him.

"Alright." He still had me pulled against him, but he was speaking to Bobby. "Feel free to nominate me for more shit if this is the reception I get."

"Nah Harley can do way more than that" Greg spoke up.


There was a silent tension in the room and all eyes were on Greg for his comment. The same eyes turned quickly to Face for a reaction. Was he really trying to provoke him? It had been a long time since I had seen Face's rage, but I was in no rush to see it again. Making a disrespectful comment at me? That was a direct ticket to your teeth meeting his knuckles.

But he surprised me. Instead, Face put his finger to my chin and turned my attention back to him. He locked my eyes with his and gave me a wink. "Don't I know it" he grinned down at me. I couldn't begin to tell you how thankful I was for his reply.


That was his free pass. I was able to brush it off. I did it mostly for Harley, but truth was that was a shitty way for him to start his Redwood career. When I patched in I kept my mouth shut for any member, even the prospect to an extent. But I had also just been handed a higher seat at the table. I was still in shock from it, and the fact the nom did not come from Jax? Bonus. I was honestly touched it came from a man I admired.

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