Second Season?

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First off, if you've been consuming my story, I want to say thank you so much. I have had the story of Harley brewing in my head for well over a decade but never knew where I wanted to take her, or how to write her. Face is a much newer creation.

This post is more about me putting out feelers. I am coming to the end of the season (season 2). I'm sort of looking for feedback, if I should keep the story going. I'm going to base it off of responses and view count. I figure if I hit 100 views before the last post goes up, I should start writing a third season.

If you've been enjoying it, feel free to tell me your thoughts on continuing to the next season. I'm thinking that season might be written from Harley's perspective. This will not only allow for a new perspective, but also give us a little more insight to her past.

Thanks again for reading, and I will take a moment to give a shameless plug to my other stories.

If you're part of the Supernatural Fandom, I have 2 fan fictions out of that one. One is titled Jaded and starts in season 12 with a girl who was abused and neglected by her parents. She is offered up for a ritual few children survive, making her an Angel Mate, unaware of which angel she is meant to be a Mate to. When she turns eighteen she discovers the dangers of being an unbound angel mate. After a night of being pursued by a low rank angel she is approached by an old friend turned attempted assassin, asking for a favor. This story has been completed.

My other Supernatural story is on going, approaching the 100th post. It's called Robin Singer and follows the adventures of Bobby Singer's daughter Robin, and her rise into the world of hunters, while hiding a secret that could make her their next target.

If you're into walking dead I'm re doing a fan fiction I wrote over a decade ago that brings in several original characters, following Kaitlyn primarily, who she was before the infected and who she has to become to survive and find the man she loves.

Final plug, promise. Finally I have an original story, The Pure Blood Coven. It's about three witch sisters who are forced from their lands when the prophecy of the pure blood curse comes true. Finding no refuge from other witches, a werewolf pack allows them sanctuary on the outskirts of their lands. After years of living a quiet life, the pack Alpha asks for an audience to discuss the recent disappearances of members of his pack.

K, enough plugging.

Thanks again for reading the Samcro Princess!

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