Little Teaser

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Have about 5 chapters written and 2 locked and loaded for publishing. Excited for the return of the Samcro Princess on the 10th. Wanted to say thank you to those who have been following, commenting, adding and voting on the story. It still blows my mind to see the Princess come to life like this. I remember watching the first two seasons of Sons, when it was airing and sort of developing her in my head. Sutter just straight up blew most of my storylines I came up with through betrayal or death. I never thought of how I could possibly come up with a storyline that interacted the way I wanted to until I finally came up with Face. 

I did want a little feedback though. This story started in Season 2 of the show. I also have eluded to some stuff in Harley's past. I'm just wondering if I should go back and write a prequel of Harley. If I'm being honest, I like Face better, but I do have these ideas in my head. Like when she was at nursing school, her escapades with the nomads, her time with Half-sack, more on the Jenny storyline and though we've now redeemed her, the story of Sasha. Let me know what you think. 

In the mean time, I did want to share just a paragraph from the first chapter for this season. Most I would expect have seen the series and know the show's story, but there is a side step for sure with Harley...well a couple really. 

Here it is:

"The Nomads are disbanding" He looked at me seriously. "Three are patching into Samcro."

I could feel the knot in my stomach. Ghosts coming back to haunt me, fuck. "Okay" I shrugged casually. What was I gonna do, let him see me sweat this? I knew what this was, a game of who fucked the princess. If I could have had this conversation with Face on my deathbed, it still would have been too soon. The last time I fucked a nomad was the back of his bike in the TM parking lot, Clay, Tig, Bobby and Chibs interrupted while he was balls deep in me. Not my proudest moment. Very few moments with Nomads were.

"One is Frankie Diamonds" He started.

I laughed, "tell me Frankie didn't tell people he fucked me."

"No" Face shook his head, not nearly as amused as I was pretending to be. "But Go-go did."

I faked further laughter, though that one wasn't all that much of a shock. "Oh he tried" I told him. "He failed."

"Didn't happen" Face clarified?

"No" I replied. "Got handsy, Ope handled that."

"Greg" Face told me, and my heart stopped.

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