Chapter 2 The Patch-in

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I woke up the next morning in my room in the clubhouse, alone. Of course, I was fucking alone. No crow eater was gonna follow her last night. She haunted my dreams, just barely out of my reach all night. I stood up and ran my hands through my hair before I did up my jeans, grabbed a fresh T-shirt and my cut. I slipped on my boots and grabbed a pair of sunglasses; not sure I was ready to face the sunlight just yet. It was after eleven and I stumbled out to the main bar.

"Man of the hour" I heard the Sargent in arms shout, Tig I think. I held my head, that was a lot of volume after just waking up.

"Been waiting for you brother" the little guy told me, beaming. Juice was his name?

"Sorry" I shook my head. "Rough night."

"Couldn't start your patch-in without ya" Jax smacked me on the back with a smile. I grinned and gave him a thankful nod

The front doors of the bar opened, I was right, not ready for the sunlight yet. A couple of women came in carrying serving trays, as one held the door open. The sun blinding me, I couldn't see who they were, only their silhouettes in the light. I looked away and started to walk to a darker corner.

"Preheat the oven to 425".

My head shot in her direction, it was her, Harley. She was the one holding the door open, giving the other girls directions. She spotted me and licked her lips before she pursed them and grinned at me, as another club woman walked past her. "Whoa" she quickly called to her, waving her back with two fingers. She looked in the bag the woman was carrying. "That one on the table" she nodded. "Grab me about five mixing bowls." Another woman came in with bags of chips followed by Gemma who brought in another two bags.

"Where do you want these" she asked Harley?

Harley looked in the bag. "Fridge please."

Apparently, she knew her place, first one I didn't see her command and show some manners.

Gemma spotted me, "Face" she nodded with a smile. "Good night? Get yourself some pussy?"

"No" I grinned, "but it wasn't without it's highlights." What the fuck did I just say? Harley caught it too as a smug smile spread across her face.

"Well there's always tonight baby" Gemma shrugged. "You didn't get to meet her yesterday, but this is our daughter Harley. Princess of Samcro."

"Nice to meet you" I nodded.

"You too" she nodded back, playing along. "So, you like wings huh? I make my own sauces."

"Yeah" I nodded. "Sounds great."

"So tell me Face, you like it hot" she asked? Gemma grinned at her daughter with her tongue in her cheek and continued to the kitchen. "The sauce I mean" she 'clarified'.

"Hotter the better" I played along with her little game, like an idiot.

"Be careful" she warned me. "I can make it hot; most guys can't handle it."

"I can handle whatever you got sweetheart" I replied. What the fuck was I thinking?

She licked her lips, then bit the bottom one as she folded her arms. Her tits sprang up over her forearms in a nearly completely transparent black lace tank top. "Guess we'll have to see then" she said, seduction dancing in her voice. Without another word I watched that ass disappear into the kitchen where she started working away at a meal, for me.

I went into the chapel, only half paying attention, to my own patch-in. How was this chick distracting me so bad? I'd had plenty over the years, why was she getting me so worked up? I'd met her less than a day ago. Within the hour, I was official, I joined the Red Wood Original. I walked out to the bar where there were tables set up in the center. The doors to the kitchen swung open and Harley walked in with two trays of wings over her head. The way it extended her body drew my eyes in as she slinked around the bar and the club members. "Okay boys " she announced, "couple trays to get you started here." She walked over to the table and placed them down.

"You takin orders" Juice walked up behind her, his chin hovering over her shoulder? "What I want to eat is not on the menu." I instantly wanted to punch him in the fucking face.

She scoffed, "sure as fuck ain't on your menu."

I couldn't help the smile that grew across my face as the boys hooted in approval of her comment.

"There's a good girl" Chibs told her kissing her on top of her head.

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