Chapter 28 A Good Fit

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I was walking through the car bay of TM when I looked over and spotted Ope and Chib's bikes pull out of the parking lot.

"I want this gate closed" Face ordered. "I want eyes here and here" he ordered pointing to the two viewpoints on either side of the compound. With that he started his march to the garage. "I need these doors closed, now" he barked at my guys. When he reached me he took my arm and led me back to the office. "Sasha here" he asked me?

"In the office" I replied. "What's up?"

"We're going into lockdown" he told me, his grip getting a little tighter on my arm.

"What" I snapped, knowing four of the guys were out dealing with the Mayans this morning. "Why?"

The reply was not what I expected as we stepped into the TM office. "Some one put a death threat in Tara's car" he explained. "We don't know if it's real or not, but we're not taking chances."

"A death threat" I asked? "At the hospital?"

"In Jax's driveway" he told me as we headed into the office. "Sasha, we're in lockdown. No in or out without escort, got it?"

"Yes sir" she nodded. I swear Sasha is terrified of Face. Face wasn't the talkative type, and she didn't dare to try and seduce him. These were her two methods of making friends. without them, she was shaken.

"Where is everyone" I asked, now getting concerned for my family?

"Your mom is with Tara and the boys" Face explained. "Chibs and Opie are gone to get them."

"Okay" I nodded to Face before looking back to Sasha. "Hold it down here. I gotta get stuff set at the clubhouse for the kids."

"Sure thing boss" Sasha nodded to me.

Face and I headed out of the office at a swift pace across the parking lot. "The rest of the guys are on the way back" he continued to explain.

"Think this threat has anything to do with the new business" I asked in a low growl?

"Hard to say" he replied.

I keep using the term shit hit the fan to describe shitty recent events blowing up in our face. What are you supposed to say when it goes deeper? Just a few days ago, Dawn had successfully squeezed the cash out of Tig and was gone as soon as it hit her purse. Bad enough if you ask me, but no, let's take it one step further.

The coke they'd started muling with the cartel and the Mayans? They were a brick light, calling into question the loyalty of members, both Mayan and Son.

Juice had successfully sussed out the guilty party to be Miles. He retrieved the coke and put Miles down, all was right as rain once more on that front.

But here's my problem with that, I knew Miles, well. I trusted Miles. And if you've been reading up until this point, you are well aware I do not trust Juice. Miles had shot him in the process, and I'd reluctantly helped Tara to patch him up, but he was an odd calm about all of it. I didn't like it.

When we reached the clubhouse I got a toddler cot and play pen set up in Jax's room for the boys. When I was done that, I headed for the kitchen to get them a snack, knowing there would be adult talk happening we wouldn't want them privy to. Face had been outside, taking further security measures to make sure the place was secured. He'd taken initiative and took things a little further than I'd seen them before. If I hadn't been on pins and needles waiting for my family to arrive, I would have been proud.

I soon heard him call inside to me to let me know they had arrived. I dropped what I was doing and met them in the parking lot.

"What the actual fuck" I asked Tara, embracing her protectively?

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