Next Season

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Well, I just completed the season. There are 3 posts waiting for publishing and they will come out on schedule unless we hit a major milestone.

This season I ended up delaying way more than I was comfortable with. As such I won't be bringing the story back for next season until I have hit mid season at least. I wouldn't expect the return until at least April, but I will need to hit to the return of a specific series favorite. As I have previously mentioned, I want to bring you quality. On my other active fan fiction (over 150 chapters at this point) I had a reader tell me what they liked about my story VS others is that others eventually get to the point where they simply copy and paste the existing dialog. Well I can honestly say I don't do that with this story. I transcribe the storyline and then figure out where my characters fit. I never want to be the person who copies and pastes. Because honestly, that story has been told. If you're reading this, you likely love the story and are just looking for something new to be told with your beloved characters. If my telling doesn't add to the story, what's the point? I've had my lazy moments, but that's what editing is for.

Harley is a character I have had in my head for a decade, since I watched season 1. My problem was always, how do I write her...that was when Face was born. I want to thank those who have supported this story, for a long time. I see your comments, votes, adds. If I post at night, I know the next morning which users will have voted by the time I wake up. That means more than you think. Those who are new, welcome to the murder. 

Thank you


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