Chapter 25: Welcome Home

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*Thanks for coming back. As promised, we return to my favorite nomad and princess. This season, we will hear from both of their perspectives. Enjoy and welcome back *


The sun was on my skin, the air smelled sweeter than it had the day before. Anticipation was building as we marched at a brisk pace to the front gate of the prison. It had been fourteen months; the time was paid. Freedom was fifty feet and a chain link gate away. I already spotted my own personal symbol of freedom. My bike was lined up with the others on the other side of the fence.

The symbol of freedom was my typical highlight upon release, not this time. The fourteen months went slower than my two-year stay, all because I now had a home, and her name was Harley Teller-Marrow.

My contact with her had been limited in the beginning. Harley had been arrested for punching that ATF gash in the jaw, and she did time. Reduced to a misdemeanor, but during that time, she and I weren't allowed any contact.

When she got out, she was picked up by an exceptionally pregnant Tara and brought to see me through glass. Harley had been the one holding down TM and the one who helped Tara through the birth of her child and caring for Abel. Harley had been the rock everyone needed in this time span. I was proud of her and itching to get my hands on her.

As we stepped out of the gate and we heard it clink behind us, I took my first deep breath. There were hoots and cheers littering the air, as we were greeted by Opie, Chibs, a now Samcro Kozik, a fully patched Miles  and several mechanics from the shop, who no doubt got our bikes to us. We were presented with our cuts. It was like sliding back into my own skin again, finally. All the pieces were clicking back into place.

Greetings were exchanged quickly. Ope hugged me, "Thanks for this brother" he grumbled. "It means a lot you'll stand with me."

"Don't mention it" I patted him on the back. It would seem I had been inducted into a family click within Samcro. Harley and Jax were the closest Opie had to siblings, and the two treated him as though he was their own flesh and blood. As such, much like Tara, I was an extension of that family being with Harley. Opie had asked me to stand as a second groomsman in his wedding that day, Jax being the first. Tara and Harley would be standing with Lyla, completing our odd little family clique. The oddity coming from the female side. Tell me if you heard this one, a Princess a doctor and a porn star walked into a bar...

We exchanged greetings, revved our beasts, and hit the road with one last flip of the finger to Stockton. The long stretch of road and the rumble of the engine was enough to reignite the fire in me, knowing I was on my way home. Before long, the Welcome to Charming sign came into view. My mouth was nearly fucking watering.

We slowed to a stop not long into town. Where once stood a wooded area, was cleared, and now stood a sign that read: Charming heights, coming soon. The development company read Hale, which surprised no one that our mayor had his hands up the ass of this project. What was a little more of a twist was the part that read, Oswald Construction. There was no doubt in my mind we would be at the table swiftly, but this? Well, this just made the itinerary. Not a word was spoken as we started for the main street of Charming.

Another unplanned stop occurred not far from Floyd's barber shop. Police vehicles blocked the street in front of us, lights flashing and the quick sound of sirens. The officers stepped out of their vehicles and calmly approached us.

"If you're the welcoming committee" Clay smiled. "I was kinda hoping for flowers. Maybe a Bundt cake."

"I'm sorry" One nodded with a grin, removing his sunglasses. "No cake."

"What the hell is this man" Jax sighed in frustration?

"Just a friendly heads up" He nodded. "Charming is now under the jurisdiction of the San Juan County sheriff's department."

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