Chapter 51, It Takes a Village

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The club was off doing their obligatory visit to Diosa, of course I say obligatory with air quotes. Most of them were more than happy to enjoy the fruits of their labour. As a pregnant old lady who wasn't fitting into her pants anymore, I would like to tell you I wasn't insecure. I probably should have been more than I was. But truth was, I did trust Face, and I was still in the afterglow of my wedding.

It was early afternoon when Clay finally arrived. I was crossing the parking lot with a filing box in my hands.

"Whoa, little girl" Clay called as he came over and took the box from my hands. My initial thought was to defiantly take the box from him, but considering where this was headed and why I carried it in the first place, I ignored my baser instincts and let him take it from me. "You shouldn't be carrying anything heavy."

"Thank you" I muttered, barely able to entertain his...let's play nice and call it consideration.

"Where do you want this" he asked? His sunny disposition made this a harder pill to swallow for me, but only little bitches don't swallow.

"Mom is going through boxes in the clubhouse" I told him in a grumble.

"What's she looking for" He probed?

"She's been thinking about Thomas" I explained. "Jax just got married, my wedding. I dunno, made her think of the other Teller kid. She's looking for like his birth certificate or something."

"In TM stuff" he asked in confusion?

"Long shot I guess" I shrugged, dismissing his question. "I thought you guys kept that stuff in the safe."

That one he didn't respond to, not quick enough on his toes. We walked into the clubhouse. "Where do you want this one mom" I asked, with Clay right behind me? She looked over the top of her glasses at me. I shrugged reading her expression, responding before she could find a diplomatic way to ask why I'd walked in with Clay. "He figured a pregnant woman shouldn't be doing the heavy lifting."

"Yeah, uh" she pointed to a space across the table. "There please."

"Chucky" Mom called over her little sidekick, with Pinocchio hands. "Put these in the shed." She looked at another couple of boxes. Not sure if she'd actually looked in them or they were part of the sell. I guess it was a further attempt at the heartstrings when she looked at me, "Did you take your prenatal this morning?"

"Yes mother" I sighed.

Clay chuckled at our exchange then looked back to mom. "Goin on here" he asked?

"I uh, I realized my Thomas's birthday is in two weeks. Everything I have on him was in that safe" She pinched the bridge of her nose as she fought back the tears. "I'm sorry."

"Mom, there are still more boxes" I whimpered to her.

"Thanks baby" she nodded to me. She looked back at Clay and explained. "I saw a birth certificate in with TM shit thought I would get lucky."

"We can call the county get copies" Clay suggested gently.

"Not the same as the original" Mom shook her head.

"Hope you find it" Clay sighed as he walked out of the bar.

"Shit" mom hissed, getting not even a nibble from him. She looked at me, "Nice touch with you carrying the boxes, but don't do that again."

"Thought I could help I shrugged. "I don't see him opening up with me around though. You might wanna do a follow up. Let him stew in it."

"I taught you better than I thought" she grinned at me.

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