Chapter 21 Family Business

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It seemed no time had passed, and the party was in full swing. There were what we would have called Crow eaters dancing and getting the attention of the locals and the unattached guys alike. Happy and Face were going shot for shot over at the bar. There were kids running around. A boxing match was going on not far from where we were. I was sitting at a table with mom dad and Trinity with her friend, watching the fights.

O'Neill was in the ring and called out his next challenger. My brother swiftly volunteered and rushed to our table to take off his jewelry and his top. Trinity got to her feet to wrap my brother's hands. Mighta been robbin the cradle a little on this one, she was a couple years younger than me.

Mom leaned over the table to dad and I recognized what she was doing. It was confirmed when I heard her say, "My man's big dick."

"Fuck" I snapped. "I'm right here."

"Payback's a bitch kid" Dad smiled at me as he headed inside with mom.

"Remember that" I shouted over my shoulder. "Next time you hear me in the clubhouse."

Face and Happy headed over to the table replacing my mother and my father's seats.

"Jax" I called over to my brother, who's focus was on O'Neill as he strut around the ring like a peacock. "Kick his god damn ass" I growled as he looked over to me.

He grinned and nodded as he stepped into the ring.

"Prince Charming" O'Neill announced as Jax appeared.

"About to see how we do in Charming" I growled, getting on my knees on the seat to get a better view.

Face looked at me with a wink, "My firecracker over here."

"She's a good girl Faceman" Happy told him.

Face's hands wrapped around my legs, just under my ass, my denim skirt riding up slightly. "Not when I get my hands on her."

"You are seriously drunk" I scoffed at him, though I would be lyin if I said I wasn't a little turned on.

"You wanna get me to bed" His voice was husky with lust as he looked up at me?

"My parents are probably in the midst of foreplay up there" I replied, but bit my lip. "You think you could steady me against a wall" I asked?

He got to his feet and flipped me over his shoulder as he took me down an alley. "Goodnight Hap" I called.

When the party was a dull roar in the distance, he put me up against a brick wall and kissed me. "You sure about this" he asked me?

"I wore a tank top you can easily pull down and a skirt you can easily pull up" I replied.

He growled and kissed me again. "So you planned this" he nipped at my jaw?

"I prepared" I replied as I closed my eyes and took in his touch and wrapped my legs around him. He pressed against me, giving me the right friction in my dampening panties. I moaned as his hand found my breast and he pushed against me harder.

"You prepared for me to fuck you in an Irish alleyway" he asked me?

"I was prepared for you to fuck me wherever I could get you" I growled, and he echoed it back as he kissed me again. I reached for his belt and let his solid cock spring free before I pulled my panties to the side. He slid his length around my folds, the contrast of his hard cock with the soft skin setting me on fire. He slid a finger in me testing the waters before a second was sent in. They started pumping and I started to moan like a whore before he replaced them with his dick.

"Oh fuck" I gasped as he started to pound into me quickly. His abdomen was teasing my clit, but I was so drawn in by how he was stretching me I barely noticed. "Oh God" I moaned as I quickly found my orgasm, but he wasn't done, not yet. He rode me harder and held my hips in place, grunting as he pumped himself in and out of me. He used his crotch to keep me in place as he looked back at me. I was gasping, already spent, but quickly getting back in the game and ramping up for another.

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