Happy Whatever You Celebrate

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I dunno, whatever it is I hope the Holiday Season is kind to you, and selfishly, kinder to my household. 

I think I may have mentioned our family had been sick for a while. Basically it has been since the beginning of October, some one in this house has been sick and passed it around. In a post-covid world, it's absolute chaos. 

Suppose we're not really post though as I found out today family members just tested positive. 

None the less, I did want to take a moment to wish you and yours a great, whatever you celebrate (I will be observing more than one holiday this year so it seems the more appropriate approach for me.)

How has this been going? SLOW. So I have 2 fan fictions I write, and honestly, I find this one to be the harder one to write. My other one is a fantasy with comedic jokes and probably the show with the most memes on the internet. AND super easy to find transcripts so I can make sure I get dialogue correct.

But this one is set in the real world with real consequences delving into the more sinister aspects of the human mind and deeper more in depth dialogue. PS Transcripts to try and get this one spot on, much harder to find. SO I go back through and actually transcribe the episode myself...yeah, I do that because there are some parts that the wording needs to be dead on for the flow of the story. 

This said, I am DEFINATELY nearing the end of this season with my writing.  I also plan to get AT LEAST half of the next season written before publishing for the next one, so likely a wait for that one too. That said, I am on track to get this season back out to you in January as promised. 

Thank you once more (today, I'm sure I'll say it again) for reading my adaptation.  

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