Chapter 27 Knocked off the Pedestal

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By the time the cruisers pulled out of our parking lot, we were already on our bikes. The Russians had ambushed Jax and Opie at the Rez.

When we pulled in, the party was over. The gentlemen who had arrived to save the day were apparently our new business partners with the cartel. I sat back on my bike and folded my arms, listening to the exchange and Bobby looked my way, sauntering over and whispering, "Just me, or do these guys seem to think this blow business is a go?"

I just nodded, continuing to take in this interaction. How in the fuck did Jax get on board with this?

We got back to TM and Tara was there to greet Jax with open arms. Harley came out soon after to greet both of her brothers. She was still tore up about the clubhouse, that was clear. I hated to see her hurt, but she was cut deep with that one. Growing up the princess, the clubhouse was no doubt a home to her. Roosevelt had come in and demolished it.

We all headed into the clubhouse to survey the entirety of the damage left in their wake. Harley's hands clasped over her mouth and my first instinct was to hold her. She was nearly shaking, fighting the urge to let the waterworks go. I saw it, and it killed me.

She wasn't the only one hurt by this, it was communal. A wave of dread and sorrow washed over every occupant of that building.

"I have some good news" Tara announced as every grim expression turned their attention to her. She reached into her pocket and slid on her ring. "We're engaged."

I was thankful for that moment. I watched the pain drain from Harley's face as she smiled gleefully to hear of her brother's engagement. There was a round of applause in the club as Jax and Tara kissed.

"Serve em up" Clay called out before he walked over to the happy couple and kissed Tara on the cheek and hugged Jax.

Harley was nearly bursting when she grinned at Tara and hugged her. "You knew didn't you" Tara asked?

"I knew he had the ring" she replied.

"Congratulations man" I shook Jax's hand before I turned to Tara to do the same.

"I don't think so tough guy" she told me and gave me a hug.

The drinks were brought to us. And we all toasted the couple.


It was about a week or so since the Club house had been totaled in a game of whose dick is bigger. Things were icy with dad and, well most. But the one I took note of was mom. It was never icy between those two, they were a united front.

The guys had been on the road dealing with their new business. Apparently my father and brother had voted in running coke. Seriously, what the actual fuck? Drugs were not what Samcro did. Face told me Dad was hell bent, even Jax was vocal in his support.

Considering he almost lost Abel to a junkie of a mother, I couldn't wrap my head around it. Bobby, Piney, Chibs, and Face were all vocally against it. Jax seemed fine with Face, but the rift between he and dad was evident. Was a good thing dad had no influence on who I was with.

Mom had gone to visit Otto. I had asked to go with her, but Otto straight up refused to see me. This was odd. More than once, he'd said he found peace in visits from me.

It felt heavy. I didn't know everything going on around me, but I felt the weight. Face told me what he could, but I knew there was only so much.

The guys had been on the road for a motorcycle show. Face had just gotten home; I had a feeling the weight was getting to him too. He came into the house looking hard, stern. He kissed my forehead and left a huge stack of cash on the kitchen counter in front of me. He didn't say a word and headed for the shower. I picked up the stack and realized, there were thousands here. They'd muled, and he was not good with this.

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