Chapter 46: Burned Bridges

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Bobby came back into the room and handed Frankie the bag of cash. His stare didn't leave me, the fear in his eyes. I didn't even give him the reprieve of blinking. I stared him down with the manic glint that was in my eyes the day he and a couple of other Nomad found me. Now it had an extra fuel to it, and she was wearin my ring. If he thought I was scary when I had nothing to lose, you should see me with motivation behind my depravity.

"That your truck out back" he asked Nero? Looking away from me for only a split second.

"Yeah mano" Nero groaned, just wanting to keep this from escalating further. "Keys are in my pocket."

He ordered Lyla to grab his keys, his eyes snapped between me and whoever it was he was talking to next. I had shaken this fucker up. Good. He looked at Chibs. "Get up Scotty" he ordered.

"Like Fuck" I barked, and I swear he jumped.

Jax got to his feet to stop him from taking Chibs, only to get the gun turned on him.

"Hey" I roared as I placed one foot flat on the floor, but that's as far as I got before the barrel was flush to my forehead.

"Seen you bounce back from a lot of shit Faceman" He told me. "I somehow don't see it if a bullet goes through your brain. Then who protects Harley?"

"Keep her fucking name out of your mouth" I snarled, holstering my temper, though it went nowhere.

"Faceman, Jackie boy" Chibs gave us both a warning tone. "Jackie you have a wife and two lads. Face, you are about to have a wife, build a family. Both of you are gonna step back and let me handle this."

I was seething as I watched my brother in arms walk towards the gunman who had the nerve to still be wearing his cut. "You're drivin" he told him. "You come after me, I'll kill him." He gave us the warning and none of us moved. Though apparently this didn't satisfy him. For good measure he shot Lyla in the thigh. As we all moved to care for the girl and untie Nero, Frankie made his escape.

"Get her on the couch" Bobby ordered us. I grabbed a sweater on the back of a chair and tied it tightly to her leg to get pressure on the entry point, and Jax and I got her as comfortable as we could considering she had a bullet in her.

Bobby tagged me out with the first aid kit, as I headed for the lobby to call Harley and see if I could get she or Tara down here. Nero cut me short advising that he had a client who was a doctor and on the way. Probably best a professional handle this, and one without potential nerve damage was a bonus. Though I gotta tell ya, I don't think I'd have the balls to say that to either one of the Teller girls.

"So uh, what happens with Gemma in all of this" Nero asked?

"Gemma" I asked in surprise? The fuck did Gemma have to do with this?

"Now that's none of your concern" Jax walked towards him, demonstrating who was in charge here.

"You gotta be kiddin me with that shit right" Nero told him. "After all this, I think I earned a little concern." Jax shifted his weight, and I stepped closer. This was apparently family shit; I was close enough. "Clay lied about Gemma being run off the road. She wanted to tell you the truth, but she got caught up in all that stuff with Tara."

"She almost killed my kids" Jax roared.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa brother" I stepped in between the two of them. "Someone wanna fill me in here?"

"Gemma lied about being run off the road" Jax boomed. "She was fucked up when she got behind the wheel with my kids."

"Jesus fuck" I hissed, running a hand down my face.

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